Chapter 2: Reincarnation

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Where will I go now? Is there heaven? Or am I now just a wondering thought in the winds?

I don't know how long I have stayed in the darkness.

Suddenly, I heard voices. They were unclear, but I'm sure there were people talking. Then, the conversation stop and I hear something like a door shutting close. Seems like I'm in a room.

Did I survive?

My senses are slowly returning to me. I could breath and I felt no pain. It felt like I was laying on something soft. A bed, perhaps?

I started moving my fingers, and then my toes, and then work my way towards stretching my body. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

I was first blinded by the light pouring into the room. I thought I was in a hospital but it seemed like I was in a fairly small bedroom.

I suddenly felt thirsty and spotted a jug and a glass beside the bed. I reached out to them when looked up and saw a mirror just on the table.

At first, I thought I had reached heaven. The child in the mirror was nothing short of breathtaking. Silvery white, long hair flowing down from her head like a river. Her eyes, watery and innocent, not a speck of impurity in them. Below her eyes was the cutest nose and rosey pink lips. I couldn't decide if she looked more like an angel or a doll.

It was weird when the child started mirroring my movements. And then my mind froze.

"T-This must be a dream......"

I pinched my cheek on my left and pulled my hair on my right. The beautiful child in the mirror copied those movements too.

I felt a sharp sting from my cheek and scalp. My heart sank even further.

This isn't a dream.

Now that I realize, my hands are smaller than usual. And the ceiling looks a lot higher.

What happened to me?!

L-Let's stay calm first.

I shut my eyes tightly and tried to remember what had caused me to become like this but my head was empty. Just a moment ago, I died in a car crash, so does that mean I have reincarnated?

Suddenly, a sharp pain stinged my head. I began to see flashes of images of this child......No, they were memories......

This child's name......She is--

"My, my. You've finally awaken, Ria."

As I was too occupied organizing my thoughts, I didn't even realize someone had entered the room.

The person that entered was a lady wearing glasses and what seems like a  uniform. She had a white cloth and a basin of water in her hands.

She looked surprised seeing me awake. Something must have happened to this girl.

"You suddenly passed out while playing outside and it gave us all a fright. Dr. Quinn had a look at you and said it was just a bump." The sister calmly put the basin down and soaked the cloth.

I can't understand a word she says......!

No, wait, maybe the memories might help......

After a quick but rather messy way of scanning through the memories, I realized this girl doesn't really know how to speak the tongue here either, only recognizing a few words. I decided to try and communicate with the best I could.

"Sorry, I forget......"

"Oh my! Do you not remember anything at all?" The lady asked worryingly.

I shook my head. This is going well. At least we understood each other.

"Poor child! Your head must've been hit quite badly. You should rest while I inform the Father." The sister then left the room with the basin and cloth at the side.

I could only understand a few words, 'you', 'rest', 'tell', 'father'. This was still enough for me to piece together what she said.

She mentioned a father just now. Judging from her status as a sister, I can guess it was a Father of religion. Then does that mean I'm in a church?

A child and a church......this is probably an orphanage......?


After spending an entire afternoon organizing my thoughts and looking through the memories, I finally could take a grasp of who I have reincarnated into.

My name is Astria, Ria for short. I think I'm maybe 5 years old, or I might be younger.

I live in this orphanage called the Butterly House. One of the sisters of the orphanage found me in an alley and brought me back a few months ago. Any memories before I was found was a blur or absolutely empty. This is quite strange for a child to not have any memories before. Maybe she just has a bad memory.

I collapsed back into bed, feeling exhausted even though I was laying down all day.

Astria......what an unexpected name. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

I still can't believe I've's like the shoujo mangas that Emilia used to read......

......I hope she's doing fine.....


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