Chapter 14: Please Give Them Back

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The origin story of the Spirit Festival is a touching story between a father and his daughter.

The daughter was a beautiful woman that was loved by all, and her father was proud to have her. However, this angered the Goddess of Love and she cursed the daughter to death. The father mourned and could not get over her death, so he begged the Goddess of Light to let him see his daughter for one last time.

The Goddess of Light was touched by his sincerity and decided to open the gates between the living and the dead for one day of each year, just so the two could reunite. But, the father could not look back to her, for if he did, the daughter will become attached to the land of the living. She will turn into a spirit that roams between the dead and the living, without a place to return for eternity. 

The Spirit Festival is a festival to welcome the return of the spirits, even if it's just for a day. It's a sacred celebration to honor those that has passed on.

In simple terms, it's the game's way of saying Halloween.

It's also one of the major events in the game where the main character goes on a date with their chosen male lead, and the reward for it is unlocking the event CG, and a momento from the male leads.

If you think logically, events like this just don't happen once. Of course it's an annual event. That's why it's happening right now, even if there's no male leads or main character.

As I stroll down the street with groceries in hand, I could see decorations and round, white lanterns everywhere. I thought it would be more saturated in color like Halloween, where everything is orangey, but the entire street felt like it was dyed white. I wonder if it's because it's close to winter.

One thing that spoils the views were the increasing number of missing children posters. I'm surprised I could still see children out and about, but who am I to judge?

Today, the person looking after me and Corwin with shopping duties was the Father himself. It's a breathe of fresh air since I've never gotten the chance to really know him. As far as I'm concerned, the Father just looks intimidating. I think Reuben was his name.

Corwin was still unable to meet me in the eyes. He was silent all the way through, even the Father sensed it.

"Corwin, you're unbelievably silent today. Are you not feeling well?" Father Reuben asked out of concern. After my incident, he's been wary about the children's health.

"N-No, just a bit tired." Corwin said while looking sideways. He has this habit of looking away when he's lying.

"Let's get back quickly then."  Father Reuben was quick to decide. Staying outside for any longer isn't safe either.


Once we got back and set the groceries aside, Corwin excused himself, clearly avoiding me.

I'm tired of beating around the bush so I decided to confront him. I knew exactly where he went and decided to bump into him there.

"Corwin, do you have something to tell me?" I went straight into the topic without wasting any time.

"W-What do you mean?" He asked back while averting his gaze.

Corwin is a good boy. I always believed that. But if he really did steal the gloves, I couldn't overlook it either. Stealing is a grave sin after all.

I sighed, clearly I have to be more straightforward.

"Did you take the gloves?" I planted myself firmly on the ground and looked straight into his eyes. "Please do not lie."

He pursed his lips, opened his mouth to say something, but closed them again. He finally gave a slight nod.

What an honest child.

"Why did you take them?" I asked again. I waited patiently for an answer but he was unwilling to answer. Fair enough, at least he admitted he did it.

"Please give them back." I tried to ask with the nicest way I could think of but it still came off like I'm demanding my stuff back. Well, technically I am......

"P-Please......" After a long moment of silence, he finally said something while still avoiding eye contact, "w-will you give them to Blanche?"

Oh, I see how it is now.

"No." He should have expected the answer.

"Please......Blanche really, really wanted them......She was crying......" Corwin finally looked up and pleaded.

"If she wants them, she can ask Mr. Duke for it." I told him directly. I'm sure the duke wouldn't mind spending a few more coins to make an identical pair.

"I'm sure Blanche was just borrowing it......" He tried to defend her. "S-She'll return it, I promise."

This ticked me off a bit. I know he's still a child, but taking things without permission is stealing. It's still wrong, no matter the age.

"She did not ask me. I did not lend her the gloves." I avoided using the word 'steal' but I think I hinted enough. Corwin was silent again. He's adamant about it.

"Corwin......" I sighed. Children are so hard to deal with. I can't possibly imagine how tired the sisters were around so many. "I know Blanche is sad. But I am sad too because the gloves are gone."

He looked up, a face of absolute conflict.

"I am not angry." I examined his face and continued, "I just want them back."

"W-What if Blanche......doesn't wanna give them back? What if she becomes sad again?" Corwin crossed his fingers.

"I am sure if Corwin stays by Blanche's side, she will be happy. Even without the gloves." I smiled. What Blanche needed right now wasn't materialistic attention, but a person she can trust to be by her side anytime. Corwin definitely is that person perfect for the job.

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