Chapter 17: The Spirit Festival (1)

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The Spirit Festival is an event that lasts for a week, in-game and in real time. For this special occasion, the duke has invited all of us to visit his residence for a tea party. Everyone was of course, incredibly excited.

I didn't think I'll be meeting the Lucaon so soon. I haven't even thought about what to say to him when we meet. No, I should not be talking to him at all to raise any attention. 

On the day of the event, everyone had their formal attire on. It was a sailor uniform with dark navy coat, topped with a sailor hat for both genders. Everyone had on different scarfs and gloves for the weather that was getting cold.

"Oh no, Blanche, your gloves! They're burnt!" One of the sisters who was helping the children get dressed exclaimed. "Did you leave them at the heater for too long?"

"Ria, can you lend her an extra pair?" The sister turned to me. Everyone knows that the duke gave me 2 pairs of gloves. I looked at Blanche as she avoided eye contact with me.

What an uncute child. She could've just asked if she wanted them. I scoffed in my mind while I pulled out the other pair of gloves. Blanche took them timidly while almost surpassing a smile and thanked me swiftly.


The duke sent 3 carriages, which were more than enough to bring everyone around.  There were coaches escorting everyone onto the carriages respectively. The seats in the carriage were wide and soft, their texture smooth and warm to the skin. They must've warmed the inside before letting us in.

Each carriage can hold about 5 to 7 people, a mix of adult and children. Coincidentally, or maybe not, I was put into the same carriage with Corwin and Blanche. 

Seeing that Corwin was already sitting in between Blanche and another child, I decided to sit opposite of them. Blanche was admiring the gloves she was wearing and didn't realize I was sitting in front of her. I, too, didn't bother her much further and waited for the carriage to start moving. 


The carriage was more comfortable than I thought because about 10 minutes into the ride I had dozed off from the warmth. 

When we arrived, I was woken up by someone sitting beside me. I wiped off the drool on the corner of my mouth in embarrassment. I walked to the door of the carriage and the coach escorted us all down the carriage. 

There were no concrete buildings and dirt grounds which were familiar scenes to me. Instead, what replaced them were brick roads and a forest of greens. There was a metal gate painted black in front of us and the gates were wide open. Behind the gates was a mansion that could only be described as magnificent. 

Since I've turned into a child, I had gotten use to things looking bigger to me. However, this mansion makes me feel miniscule compared to it. I thought I could only see an aristocrat's mansion in movies but it looks exactly like the ones in movies. Symmetrical, brick-walled, with a lot of windows and a wide front yard. 

As expected from a game......

Alfred was standing at the entrance of a sizeable metal gate in front of us, with 2 lines of servants and knights at the side. All of them were bowing as they welcomed us to the estate. 

"Welcome to the Wolfram residence. We hope you have a lovely stay." Alfred greeted courteously. "Follow me please."

As we followed him, we passed by the front garden where I could see fountains and stone statues scattered around. The trimming of the bushes were as perfect as it can get. Not even a leaf was out of place. Everyone was in amazement. 

We were led to a garden and there was a long table covered with a dainty, white cloth. The table was decorated with flowers and there were silverware arranged neatly around. Everything seems too formal......

I-Is this really a tea party?

The servants helped us all into seats. Then, Alfred walked to the front and announced, "My lord will not be joining us as he is busy with work. I, in my lord's stead, once again welcome you to the Wolfram estate. I hope you have a wonderful stay."

As he finished, he clapped and the servants moved in unison. They unfolded the napkin on the table and laid it on our laps. Soon after, another line of servants came out from the mansion holding trays of treats and tea. Cookies and cream, muffins, puffs, cake, pie, whatever you can think of, were served onto the table. It wasn't an exaggeration when I said they were glistening. 

After the Father led a prayer, the servants poured tea into the teacups while the kids started choosing the treats off the trays. Everyone except for me. 

This is bad. I hate sweets. I hate the sticky aftertaste left in my throat after I eat sweets. Never liked them, and I think I never will. 

"Are the desserts not to your liking, Miss Astria?" I jolted as I heard Alfred's voice from behind.

"N-Not at all!" Out of desperation, I simply took one of the desserts in my reach without looking and popped it into my mouth. I almost gagged out of reflex from the sweetness. 

I apologize to the chefs deeply. I'm sure they've worked hard for the sweets but I really can't stomach them. I continued to choose the ones that doesn't look too sweet and drank my tea as slow as possible.

Ugh, even the tea is sweet......

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