Chapter 21: Kidnapped

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I felt my heart sank. It seems he hasn't realize that I'm already wary against him. I wrack my brains trying to find a way to escape.

"Dr. Quinn, my legs hurt." I lied, trying to buy as much time as I can.

"Oh, let me take a look." He let go of me and was about to bend down to examine my legs.


"Dr. Quinn, there they are!" I pointed behind him. He was clearly taken aback and turned to look I used this chance and ran back into the crowd as soon as possible.

I thought I could escape.

I suddenly felt something grasped my entire body, as if I was restrained by ropes. I couldn't move. I started to panic and wanted to struggle but it felt like I was paralyzed. I felt someone behind me and slowly turned my head as much as I could.

"Hmm, you're a little smarter than I thought." Dr. Quinn's voice was colder than usual. His eyes were distant and emotionless.

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me into an empty alley. I tried to keep calm and think of another way to escape.

There has to be another way. Please, someone......

Suddenly, the brooch on my chest started to vibrate. I realized it was glowing more than just now so I had the brilliant idea of chanelling my mana and concentrated on charging it, just like how i usually concentrated my mana on my palms when healing.

A current started to overflow from the brooch . It expanded very quickly and before I knew it, it burst and knocked Dr. Quinn to the side. It also freed me from whatever spell he was using to constraint me. I quickly got back on my legs and tried to sprint away again.

But I collapsed to the floor. My body felt like it had all the strength drained out from me. I tried to stand but my legs felt like jelly. I did my best to crawl away from the alley, only to have someone pull my hair and threw me back into the darkness.

"Tch, my glasses broke." I heard Dr. Quinn's chilly tone as I struggle to escape him. "I don't know what you did but it seems like you ran out of mana. Heh, lucky me."

He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him when I could barely hold my consciousness. "Tsk, tsk. I thought I told you not to use too much magic."

I heard several footsteps coming from behind. Dr. Quinn let go of my face and my final memory before I passed out was him turning to talk to the people behind me.

"Hurry up before someone else comes......"


When I woke up, or I think I woke up, all I could see was darkness.

The first thing I noticed was I was in something that was moving. A carriage, maybe. I tried moving my hand but realized they were tied behind my back.

I also felt something around my neck, like a collar. The cold and hard feeling around my neck was unpleasant but at least it wasn't too tight to the point I couldn't breathe. There was a cloth tied onto my mouth too so I couldn't speak.

I squirmed around, trying to find anything else by feeling with the tip of my fingers. Suddenly, I felt somethung soft. I tried poking it with my finger and the thing moved. I responded with a gentle pinch and the thing hooked my finger.

There's another person beside me here.

That person did not do anything else other than hooking my finger. I was less nervous now with the presence of another person. Their hands were colder than mine and I was more than willing to share my warmth. I wiggled my way closer to the person until I could feel his back against mine and I gave them another squeeze with my fingers and they squeezed back.

Good, at least they don't think I'm a threat.

I wanted to move my fingers up their wrist trying to find a way to untie them but they had a firm grip on my hand. It seems they were really afraid. All I could do was soothe the back of their hand with my thumb.

We sat like that for a while and suddenly the carriage stopped. We could hear the horses neighing and clopping and then the muffled voices of a few men. The person behind me clutched my hand tighter.

The men's voice went around us and finally became closer. I heard something like being unlocked and then the sound of a cloth being removed. Next, the sound of metal gates opening were the closest to us.

Suddenly, the person behind me was pulled apart. The missing feeling of another person's warmth made me feel hollow and I was filled with anxiousness again.

Before I could think of my next move, I felt someone pulling me out and carrying me. I tried my best to struggle but they held me tightly.

I couldn't see where I was taken, only that the temperature around me got colder and more humid. I heard echoes as the person carrying me walked. They soon stopped and put me into what seems like a chair and forced me to sit. They then removed the blindfolds and I could finally see.


Wolfram Residence.

"Thank you for providing us for the night." The father said.

It was late at night so the duke had offered them to stay in the mansion as they had plenty of unused guestrooms.

A few hours had gone by after Astria's disappearance. Everyone frantically searched for her until the festival was about to close and finally, everyone was escorted back to the mansion where the sisters were questioned by the knights. None of them saw where Astria went.

"I'll be direct. Do you have any suspects?" Cassius crossed his hands. He stared directly into the father's eyes. He was silent as he clutched his fists tightly. "Was it that doctor?"

Reuben knew fairly well who he meant by 'that doctor' and he leaned his body forward aggressively, "How did you find out?"

"Did you know he tried to frame you for those kidnappings?" Cassius stared straight into your eyes. "He said he saw you distributing gifts to children as disguise to mark your next targets."

"Gifts......?" He tried to recall and remembered something. "You mean the protective charms? I made them myself for the children!"

It was before the duke's first visit. Since the Spirit Festival was upcoming, he decided to make some protective charms and gave it to the children.

"I know." Cassius said, his tone flat. He continued to stare into Reuben's eyes.

"I......I knew he was up to no good so I tried to give him a warning. If he leaves my children alone, I will forgive his sins and let him live a new life......" The father said with a tone of regret. When Quinn promised to not hurt the children, he said it with such sincerity but he betrayed his trust in the end.

Cassius was silent. He knew that there was nothing that could be said. Whether the father did this because he was kind or too naive, nothing could change the fact that a child has been abducted under his supervision.

There was a knock on the door and Alfred entered the room. He greeted both of them respectfully.

Reuben took it as a sign to excuse himself and before he left, he said to Cassius, "I beg you, master Wolfram. I hope you find the child." He bowed and closed the door.

Alfred quickly reported, "We traced the scent of Ms. Astria's gloves and found a witness. She said she saw Ms. Astria being taken away by a man with glasses."

"Why does she have her gloves?" Cassius frowned.

"She had gifted Ms. Astria a brooch and expected no payment but Ms. Astria insisted on paying her with the gloves. Shall I request them back, my lord?"

"Leave it. She can do whatever she wants with the gloves." Karsius thought for a while and asked, "Can you trace the brooch?"

"Yes, sir. Luckily, the witness told us there was some magic imbueded into the brooch but it was insignificant. We found some magic residue in the northwest alley but it's too faint to trace now....." Alfred trailed off.

"Get Cain to investigate the underground activities and......" Cassius paused for a moment as he tapped his finger. He then let out a sigh.

"Call Solaire."

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