Chapter 13: Sick

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The darkness feels like I'm sinking further into water. It's hard to breathe, my limbs felt like lead, and I couldn't open my eyes. The surrounding noises sound muffled, like I'm submerged in water.

As I wandered around alone in darkness, I felt something warm pressed against my head. Ah, how warm.....

I want this warmth to stay longer with me. I want to reach out to this warmth but I couldn't move my arm. The warmth went away, and what replaced it was something cold and damp.

I don't want this......I want the warmth......

I tried to open my mouth to say something, but I couldn't move them. I tried to swim to the light above, but I couldn't move.

Please, someone......

As if someone had heard my plead, I felt a pair of warm hands pulling on my arm. I couldn't see the face clearly, but I'm sure I saw someone.....with flowing silvery hair.

Open your eyes. The person mouthed the words towards me. And suddenly, my eyelids were no longer heavy. They flutter open, and what welcomed me was the familiar wooden ceiling.

I wanted to turn my head as I felt my neck getting sore and something fell from my forehead. I reached up and felt a damp cloth.

I sat up and saw a basin of water on the table side. I put the cloth into the basin and got down from the bed.

I have somewhere I need to go.

I don't know where is it or why, but I have to go.

I walked to the door, still barefoot, and just as I was about to open it, the door swung open and I saw Sister Margeret. We both stood there in silence for a moment.

"Ria! Thank goodness!" Sister Margeret moved and gave me a big hug that was a bit suffocating. I had barely any energy left in me to push her away so I just let her hug me.

"Has the little lady woken up?" A person peeked from outside the door and asked. It was the other knight if the duke.

"Sir Cain, would you mind informing the Father? I shall stay here and look after her. She still needs rest." Sister Margeret finally released me but she still held my hand while she turned to talk to Cain.

"Sure can do!" He smiled and saluted, flashing a pair of sharp fangs.

Sister Margeret led me back to the bed and tucked me in. I had many questions in my head. What happened to me? Why is the duke's knight here? I think I also forgot something else......

Before I could ask, I started feeling sleepy again. Sister Margeret's gentle pats on the head only encouraged it. Soon, I have drifted off to sleep......


So, I really was sick that day. I rarely get sick in my previous life that I had forgotten what it feels like so I didn't realize that I had fallen ill. I was out for a day.

From what Cain said, the moment I collapsed, the duke ordered Alfred to find a doctor immediately as he held me in his arms.

"I've never seen my lord so worried before. Honestly, it's refreshing to see a change of emotion. But since I just joined the knights, I don't know much about that." Or so he says.

When the doctor arrived, the duke stayed for a while after confirming I was in no danger, and left for work. He had tasked Cain to look after me and to inform him about my condition once I've woken up.

Ah, I'll have to meet him again. I guess it can't be help. I owe him my thanks after all. And probably an apology for basically dropping onto him unconciously.

Cain was the opposite of Elliot. He's bright and talkative. And he doesn't respect the duke as much as Elliot does. All in all, he's more relaxed and easygoing.

"By the way, the duke told me to find who stole your gloves. So, do you have any idea?" Cain suddenly shot a straight ball at me.

Nothing escapes the duke. He's too sharp to notice anything.


Two knocks at the door interrupted our conversation and in came Dr. Quinn. Cain knew he had to excuse himself so he bid me goodbye and went off to do whatever was tasked to him. He has been the first person I felt comfortable with since I came to this world so it did feel a bit lonely seeing him leave.

After a brief checkup, Dr. Quinn told me not to worry and that he will prescribe some medicine for me.

"Have you been using magic lately, Astria?" He suddenly popped this question.

The last time I used them was healing the girl that Blanche pushed down. He was there so he would know. I shook my head.

"I see. Just be careful when using magic. It might be taxing for your body since you're still so young." He smiled and patted my head lightly.

"Ok." I've been in this world for less than 2 months and this is the 3rd time I had to visit a doctor. Am I just unlucky or is this the villainess' misfortune?

"Never mind that. Once you're all healed up, let's visit the Spirit Festival with the others." He said and then packed up and left.

Spirit Festival? Isn't that-

Before I could ask more, I was interrupted again by another person. Father Reuben stood at the doorway with Cain waving behind.

"Dr. Quinn, I have something to discuss with you." The Father fake coughed.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Dr. Quinn quickly pack up his things. "I'll see you soon, Ria."



Father Reuben led Dr. Quinn to his office and after making sure no one was standing outside, he lightly closed the door.

"What is it, Father? Is it about the kids?" Dr. Quinn asked anxiously.

"I'll be direct, doctor."

Reuben sat on his office chair and lightly placed his hand with fingers laced together on the table.

"I appreciate what you have done for the kids, and so I shall overlook your actions."

"What're you saying......" Dr. Quinn laughed without humor.

"What I'm saying is," Reuben lowered his gaze, "I'm in charge of the kids and I don't like people like you poking into my business."

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