Chapter 9: A Gift

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The visit was longer than I expected. It was almost evening and they had not left yet. I looked outside the window seeing the children had surrounded Elliot but he stayed like a statue.

"Alright! The wound has completely closed up. Just be careful not to strain your neck and don't wet the bandages." Dr. Quinn reported the good news.

"Thank you, doctor. We apologize that you still have to come here in such a busy day." Sister Margeret thanked him.

"No worries. It seems you have your plate full here too. I can't believe I get to meet the duke with my own eyes!" Dr. Quinn exclaimed. It must be rare meeting such a high ranking noble. "By the way, I have something to talk to the Father. When will he be free?"

"Oh, I'm afraid he's unavailable today as he's entertaining our guest. Should I inform him that you want to meet him?"

"No, it's fine. It's just that children are missing quite often recently and I'm quite worried so I wanted to warn the Father." Dr. Quinn explained.

So the posters I saw that day wasn't an old news. More children are going missing these days.

"My, you're so kind, Dr. Quinn. Yes, it is quite worrying. I cannot help but pray for the kids. I hope Her Light watches over them." Sister Margeret seemed extremely saddened by the news.

"Haha, maybe because I work mainly with kids that I can't help myself." Dr. Quinn chuckled sheepishly.

"Do you not have any kids, Dr. Quinn?" Sister Margeret seemed fairly surprised.

"I'm still single, Sister. I haven't found myself a wife." Dr. Quinn blushed. I can understand the shock since men in his 20s who are still single are quite rare. He is also a fairly good-looking man. "But, I always thought it would be nice to have some kids around. I would be delighted to have a child as cute as Ria."

He smiled and patted my head. For some reason, my mind went thinking back to the duke's warm hand.

"Then, how about you adopt Ria?" Sister Margeret suggested and giggled, "This is an orphanage after all."

"Adopt, you say......?" Dr. Quinn looked to me.

But before we could continue the subject, a Sister knocked on the door and informed us that the duke is about to leave. I quickly thanked the doctor and left with the her.

I have never thought about being adopted. My only goal was to live a peaceful life without meeting any of the male leads. If Dr. Quinn really were to adopt me, will I be able to live the same peaceful life?

Thoughts about the future always scares me.


When I arrived the entrance, the children were gathered and discussed what gifts they had gotten excitingly. Blanche was the first to notice me. She waved excitingly and exclaimed, "Big sis Ria, look what I got! It's Mr. Duke!!"

There were 2 dolls in her arms now. One was the mini version of her and the she held up the other which was a doll that was dressed in black with green buttons as eyes to show it to me.

I examined it closely and I must say, it looks quite similar to the duke, especially the button eyes. They looked like they were made out of some type of crystal that brings out the color of the real duke's eyes. This must've cost a fortune......

The Father arrived with the three men and the children quickly lined up as they did in the morning. As the Father was about to give them a short farewell prayer as blessing, Blanche jumped out and ran towards the duke just like she did this morning.

"Mr. Duke, you're going home already?" She said in a pitiful voice with tears rolling in her eyes. "Please come visit Blanche again."

Father seemed troubled and when he was about to drag Blanche away, the duke caught attention of me. He ignored Blanche and started making his way towards me.

I'm having deja vu. It's the same as this morning! My palms were instantly clammy and I froze up.

Did he think what I did this morning was rude and decided he wanted to off me now?

He stopped at the same distance as this morning in front of me and called out to me, "Miss Astria. We still have yet given you a gift."

"A gift......?" I looked up, confused.

"Yes. Every child in the orphanage has received a gift, except for you." The duke answered swiftly and asked, "What gift would you like?"

I stayed silent. My mind was still a mess. Is he plotting something? Maybe he might plant an explosive or sorts in my gift and tried to murder me? Seeing that I wasn't answering, he crouched down and leaned near me.

"Miss Astria, do not answer that you do not want anything. It troubles me knowing I could not properly apologize to a child. Therefore, if you do not answer within 10 seconds, I will send a person to visit here every day until you give an answer." He said in a voice so low only we could hear.

This man......! Is he threatening me?! Just to buy me a present?!

I could feel my cheeks flushed red with annoyance as I wrack my brain trying to think of a gift. My eyes caught a glimpse of something and I finally made up my mind.

"I want gloves the same as yours, please." I said, forcing a smile and added some volume when I ended the sentence with 'please'.

Once again, his face flashed an expression of surprise just for a second and he stood up. For a moment there, I thought I saw him smiling.

"Alfred, call a tailor to get her measurements tomorrow. Have it done by next week." He ordered.

So you're still gonna send people to me?!

"Yes, my lord." Alfred bowed and took out a tiny book with a pen stuck in between the pages and he wrote down something on the book.

"Then, we will come back next week." The duke informed the Father. After giving them a blessing, they were well on their way.



As the sun was almost setting, with the sky turning purplish blue, just as the duke was about to enter the carriage, he was stopped once again by someone.

"Please give me a moment of your time, duke." A young man with white robes and a thick pair of glasses approached them.

Elliot quickly stood in front of the duke, preparing to draw out his sword if necessary.

"I have no evil intentions!" The young man raised his hands up, showing his empty hands. "I am Dr. Gallus Quinn. I have something I need to tell you regarding the cases of missing children."

The duke analysed the man for a moment. He did not ask Elliot to step aside, instead he ordered, "Speak."

"Yes, thank you." Dr. Quinn pushed his glasses while sighing in relief.

"Please be cautious of the Father."

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