Chapter 25: Rescue

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"Don't worry, little miss, I'll get you out of here!" Cain said calmly.

I was going in and out of conciousness at that point so I didn't really know what happened. I heard a loud clanking noise and before I knew it, Cain had wrapped me in the blanket in the cell and held me in his arms.

"Hold on tight, little miss." He held me tight against his chest and without a pause, I could feel him running.

Once cold air hit my face, I knew I could breathe again. I pushed myself away from his chest and started taking in air. I breathed too quickly and started coughing.

"Slow, deep breaths, little miss. You're safe now." Cain patted my back and comforted me.

"Cain, you have to......cough, cough......Please save......cough......Save Noel!" I forced the words out of my mouth. My mind was full of Noel at this point.

"Err, who?" Cain looked at me extremely confused.

"He......" I racked my brain trying to describe Noel in the simplest way possible and suddenly I remembered something.

"His tag number is B-043!!" I pointed at my own tag as I said that.

"Alright, miss. I'll have to get you out of here first." Cain said, still looking confused.

"NO!" I yelled with all my strength. "Save Noel! Please! Please save Noel!" I begged him, tears started to blur my vision again but I held them back.

"O-Okay. I promise you, miss. I'll save this err, Noel!" He stuttered, clearly taken aback by my abruptness. "His tag number is B-043, right?"

I nodded vigorously.

"I'll let my lord know." He carried me and put me into a carriage.

"Watch after her, baldy." Cain said to a bald knight who was riding on a horse. The man kicked Cain but he dodged and sneered at him.

"Go home and have a rest, little miss. We'll definitely save Noel." Cain reassured me and before he left, I tug his cape and he turned around.

"Thank you, Sir Cain."

"It's my job, little miss." Cain smiled and closed the carriage door.

I was all alone in the carriage. I also forgot to ask where I was taken to but I was too exhausted to care at this point. I looked outside the window and saw Cain rushing back into the underground storage where I was kept in.

I clutched the blanket tightly, as if I could still feel Noel's presence in them.

Please be safe, Noel......



"Your invitation, sir." A muscular man wearing a mask asked.

The man elegantly took out a piece of dark-coloured card and passed it to him. Thanks to Cain, he had little hassle obtaining this invitation. After verifying the card, the man did some simple search on him before stepping aside and letting him in.

He was led by a waiter into the hall. The hall was decorated with blinding magic stones and shone brightly, and glass reflecting it all around. All the guests were in their finest clothes and some were on the dance floor while others chatter away with lavish dishes and wine.

This all seemed like the usual party held by a noble, but everyone was wearing masks to cover their faces. After all, this was not an ordinary ball where you could just expose your face out in public.

Cassius stood at the side. He held a glass on wine but he had no intention on drinking it. Even with the mask on, the people around him could feel his aura was different. Something about him exudes nobility unlike the others.

As some people were about to approach him, the lights went dark and a single spotlight shone on the host of the party.

"First of all, I welcome you. Tonight, I am excited to share with all of you that we have prepared the finest products that you could ever imagine. There is a catalogue that you can obtain at the entrance and browse through the selection we have." The masked person with the velvety voice gave a speech. "Now, this way, ladies and gentleman. Our auction is about to start."

The masked person gestured to a hidden entrance right below the position where he stood. It was a flight of stairs leading underground.

People started to walk down the stairs and did not forget to pick up the catalogue.

"Oh, they have a satyr! I've always wanted one!"

"I think it's time for a new pet. My last one didn't last very long."

"Take a look at this! A chimera! I've never seen one before! I'll definitely have to get it."

"I'm going to wait until the final product. They always save the best for last."

Cassius' face darkened. He silently took the catalogue and followed the crowd to the underground hall.

Slave trading has been abolished for hundreds of years but there will always be people who could find a way to continue the business, such as this auction. After months of trying to trace them down, he can finally put an end to this illegal transaction.

Just a little longer, and he can be done with this case and go home. 

Maybe bring the little girl back with him too.

My lord, Cain has found Ms. Astria.

Alfred's voice appeared in his mind. Before he entered the party, Solaire had enchanted him with a telepathic spell which could be used to communicate with them.

Cain also has a message for you from Ms. Astria. She has requested to prioritize an individual with a tag number of B-043.

Cassius raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect a request from the little girl after going through such a dangerous experience.

I'll keep an eye. Cassius answered.

I wish you good luck, my lord. .

The masked person from before now stood on the stage. They spread their arms wide open and announced,

"Let the auction begin!"

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