Chapter 9: How I met Nathan's Mother

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Chapter Nine: How I met Nathan's Mother

Rewritten and Edited

I wince as Melissa runs a brush through my damp hair and another woman files my nails.

"Ouch, what are you doing to me?" I ask Melissa as she runs a comb through my hair, and I wince again.

"It's a surprise," Melissa beams back at me as she turns on the hairdryer. Another woman began to give me a pedicure as my new nails were drying. This was the first time since I was eighteen and going to my high school prom that I have such a pampering day. So many people were working on me that I feel relaxed and stressed at the same time, as I am unable to move. I glance at the seating area, and I notice that Nathan still hasn't returned.

Melissa smiles at me as she pins the last bit of hair up, and she hands me a mirror so that I can look at the back. My hair pinned carefully into a beautiful, messy updo, with a sparkle spray giving me hair a lovely shine. A thin, silver delicate hairband finishes the look, and I have never loved how my hair has looked like before.

"It's amazing, Melissa," I say, and she smiles at me, nodding her head before turning my chair around to face her. My article nails are a pale baby blue, and so were my toenails.

"Now, it's time for your makeup," Melissa smiles at me excitedly, and I feel my eyes widened. I can't have her remove my makeup; she'll see the faint but still visible bruises around my jaw and eye. A deep sickness spreads through my body as she picks up her makeup wipes.

I touch her hand, stopping her before she can wipe any of the makeup off, "Um, before you do, I just want to let you know that a few days ago I tripped and fell, so I have a few bruises on my face and jaw,"

"Oh poor you," She says to me, kindly before she began to wipe off my makeup, my heart races, and I watch as her face falls, and she clears her throat. I look down at my hands, ashamed, as I feel embarrassment choking me.

"Oh, dear. That must have been a nasty fall," Melissa says to me tenderly, and I glance back to her with a nod.

"Yeah, I'm really clumsy," I say, forcing a smile, and she smiles back with a nod.

"I am so clumsy; it's actually terrifying," She says with a light laugh, "I'll trip over the thin air,"

I smile at her as my nerves start to settle, as Melissa didn't say anything about begin hit. I figure if she thought that something was happening to me, she might suspect the truth that I deserve it. However, she seems to believe that I fell.

"You don't have to worry; I have got the perfect thing that covers any bruise," She smiles brightly at me, and I can't help but return it. "It's really light as well, so you won't feel like you are wearing very caked-on makeup,"

"I think this is my best makeup yet," Melissa beams at me as she stands back. I smile back at her, and I try to look into the mirror, but Melissa pulls me up to my feet. A young woman comes over and whispers something to Melissa making her grin again.

Melissa takes me by the hand and leads me up the stairs. I look around at the jewellery and shoes that are on display; they are all so beautiful that I am in shock.

"Wow, Melissa, they are beautiful," I say, my voice light as I gaze around.

"Thank you," Melissa replies happily. She then moves quickly to the changing room area, dragging me along. Melissa stands beside me, holding my hand, as two women stand beside the changing room curtains - they elegantly pull the curtains open, and I feel my breath leave my body. My eyes sting with tears of surprise and gratitude as I stare at the beautiful creation of blue fabric and mesh hangs in all of its floral glory.

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