(Not Edited) How I held her

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I ran a hand through my hair as I sat down on the couch, checking my phone for the ten million times, but now there was no message from Grace or missed calls. The only missed calls I had were from Natalie; I can't believe she is still calling me when she is still with Caleb, and I hate her.

I can't believe she left to go back to him, Bradley told me we should give her time, but I'm going round to her house tomorrow morning first thing.

I can't lose her; she can't just walk out of my life after almost a year together. Well, not together, but she's been in my life. I love.............. Do I?

A quiet knock sounded in the silence. Huffing, I stand from the couch and go to the door. Another knock, this time lighter and so polite. A groan sounded through the door.

Hurriedly, I opened the door and I could not take in the scene in front of me. Tears burned at my throat, my heart sank and raced. Anger flooded my veins. Sadness filled my chest. How could someone do something like this?

"Grace," I yelled out, lurching forward as she started to fall. I sank to my knees, pulled her close to my chest and an exhausted smile spread across her face.

I felt my heart rip in half as her eyes began to drift closed.

"Grace, come on, wake up," I said as I shook her gently as tears fell down my face. "Please don't leave me", I sobbed, hugging her close to my chest. I felt her start to breathe feebly, and she let out a groan, but her eyes never opened.

"Please open your eyes", I begged her, but she didn't even stir

"I love you", I breathed out as I held her close to me, and I sobbed into her neck.

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