(Not Edited) How we said I do.

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It was 6:00 am, and I have been up since five. I can't control my excitement for today because today, I will marry the love of my life. Nathan is at his apartment, and I'm staying at the family home getting ready since we're having the wedding in the beautiful back garden fields in the meadows.

There was a knock at the door, and I opened it to see Amy, Rosie, and Lillian walk in with a man and a woman behind them.

"You're glowing," Lillian said, hugging me, and I smiled, hugging her back.

Rosie hugged me next as the Make-up and hair people set up. "You've showered?"

I chuckled at her face, and I nodded. "Yes, Rosie, I have showered."

"Well, now that's out of the way, maybe you would like to sit down, and we'll get to work," One of the Hairdressers said. "My names Marco by the way"

"Hi Marco", I smiled at him shaking his hand, but he pulled me in for a hug, and I laughed.

I smiled at the woman, and she pulled me in for as well. "My name is Rachel."

I nodded, sitting down in the chair, and Marco started to brush my hair.

"So Tom's all dressed up in his suit," Amy said as she sat down in front of Rachel, who started to do her make-up.

"Really, how does he look?" I asked her as Marco curled my hair.

"In one word, yummy", Amy drooled, and I chuckled along with Rosie and Lillian. Even Marco and Rachel chuckled.

"So tell me, how did you meet your man," Marco said to me, and I smiled fondly.

"Um, well, I met him in his office, and he was stern and cold, but he over time became warm and kind", I started. "I worked for him as his P.A, so I was around him a lot. I have a boyfriend at the time" I closed my eyes as David flashed in my mind. I haven't thought about him in a long time. Lillian put a hand on my knee.

"He was abusive and just wrong for me, but would I leave him? No, I wouldn't, but I felt myself falling for Nathan every day until one day I couldn't take him anymore, so I left and fainted at Nathan's door after David kicked the living daylight out of me."

"Oh my goodness, honey", Marco exclaimed. "Thank god you left him and went after your heart."

I smiled, and I nodded. "That sounds so lovely, Went after my heart" I sighed

After Marco finished my hair into a beautiful updo that looked so complicated, "Thank you", I smiled, hugging Marco.

"Just one finishing touch, and it will be perfect", Lillian said as she placed a white bow wrapped in a silver bow on her lap. She untied the bow and took off the lid. Inside was a beautiful diamond fascinator.

"This has been in my family for over 150 years; my great, great grandfather gave it to my great-great-grandmother when he went off to war," Lillian told me. "And now I'm giving it to you for your wedding like my grandmother, my mother, and I did before you."

Tears welled in my eyes. "I can't take this."

"Why not? It's a mothers joy to pass things down to their children," Lillian told me with a warm smile.

"Thank you", I smiled, hugging her. She passed the fascinator to Marco, and he put it in my hair along with the veil.

"You know I forgot what it was like to have a family and have them want to give you things," I said as tears fell and Rosie pulled me into a hug.

"I know you have, but today you are not only marrying my brother; you're gaining a family that loves you," Rosie told me, and I smiled at her wiping my eyes.

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