Chapter 5: How Mr Alexander met David

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Chapter Five: How Mr Alexander met David

Edited and Rewritten

I sit on the couch with a book that Mr Alexander let me borrow in my hands, but I could not focus enough to take in a single word. My mind replays the events of this passing week, how awkward I was around Mr Alexander in the office and how I hid from him at lunch by spending it with Amy instead.

The bruising on my ribs has decreased significantly, and I am able to bend and move again. I gaze out the window as the sun begins to set, taking my mind from the worry.

I jump at the loud slamming of the front door, and I turn to see David standing with a piece of black clothing in his hand, and he aggressively throws it at me.

"You, we're going out tonight," David tells me as he marches towards the stairs, his feet heavy, and his body language is stiff and angry. "It's Nick's birthday,"

"Be ready and down here in half an hour," He barks his order harshly before disappearing upstairs into the spare bedroom. I look at him, scared to breathe loudly or even move. I sit still holding the dress that David chucked at me.

When a few seconds had passed, and I knew that David was busy in the spare room. I make my way upstairs into our bedroom; sitting on the bed, I hold the dress up in front of me. A light gasp leaves my mouth, and I almost cry as I feel like David doesn't know me at all after these eight years together. It is incredibly low-cut and short, and it is something that I would never feel comfortable wearing, even though it would look amazing on other women. I sigh, as I know that I will have to wear the dress or David will not be happy with me.

I feel a dull aching pain in my ribs as I wash my hair. I am so glad that the bruising is yellowing and isn't as angry and ugly. Shaving my legs is a chore and takes a lot out of me, as the pain in my ribs begins to increase due to being bent over. I have to shave my legs as the dress is incredibly short.

I dry myself, and I brush my hair into a high sleek ponytail. I fasten the only necklace that I have around my neck - it is one that I have learned to hide away from David. It is a dainty sunflower necklace that my father bought for my mother on their fifteenth anniversary. I slide on the dress; due to the cross back, I can't wear a bra which makes me uncomfortable. I spent time doing my makeup to cover the faint bruises on my face and neck.

I stand in front of the mirror, and I almost start to cry. I do not know the girl looking back at me; this is not me. I do not wear this type of thing, and I'm so comfortable showing my body like this. However, I know the consequences of not wearing this dress, so I force myself to take a deep breath and slip on my black heels with ten minutes to spare.

"Come on," David sneers angrily with a slight slur. He throws a beer can into the bin, and I glance at the small pile that has accumulated over the half-hour.

"David, I don't feel comfortable in this dress," I tell him as I take a deep breath, "Could I wear something else?"

"You are one ungrateful bitch," David says to me. "I'm sorry that my nice gift isn't good enough for you,"

I take a step back, and I feel guilt tighten my chest. My eyes sting with tears as I look at his hate-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry that I thought that I was doing something nice for you, but I guess nothing is ever good enough for you, Grace," He spits out at me, just a ringing comes to my ear and stinging burns across my cheek, making my eyes water. "I do nothing but love you. I give, and I give and this the thanks that I get."

I bow my head down as guilt and shame fill every part of me. He was entirely right. I am an ungrateful bitch, David bought me a dress as a gift for me to be kind, and all I could do was whine about how I felt uncomfortable in it without even saying thank you.

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