Chapter 8: How I got a day off from work

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Chapter Eight: How I got a day off from work

Edited and Rewritten

Sitting up on my bed, I look at David as he sleeps soundly beside me. I smile at him as he looks so peacefully and content. David has continuously, over the last month, been trying to stop his drinking, but he hasn't yet been able to fight his addiction to it. I have tried to help him, but he always gets furious at me for making him feel guilty. As I stare at David, my fingers gingerly trace the bruises around my jawline and eye.

I slink out of bed carefully as to not disturb David. I look into the mirror as I brush my lifeless and dull hair into a high ponytail, my eyes wandering over my reflection - looking at the mix of light and faint bruises with the new and angry ones. I open the cabinet, and I take two painkillers to try and fight against the pain from my pounding head. I had a quick but painful shower before getting dressed for work - leaving David sleeping peacefully in our bed. I breathe in the cold November air as snow falls lightly from the sky but melts as it lands on the concrete.

"Good Morning, Grace," Stuart smiles at me, as usual, and I smile back at him. "You look like you are happier this morning,"

"I am; this morning has been good so far," I smile, "How are you?"

"I am great. It's date night with the husband tonight, so I'm looking forward to it," He tells me cheerfully, and I cannot help but beam back at him at how cute he was. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, but I have a busy day helping Mr Alexander with the final touches for the annual charity ball," I reply to him. "So, I expect to be stressed today,"

"Well, I hope that you don't get too stress as I know you will do an amazing job," Stuart told me kindly. I pick up Mr Alexander's breakfast bagel and coffee before making my way up to the office. I drop my bag at my desk before hanging my jacket up. I leave the coffee and bagel on Mr Alexander's desk.

"Good Morning, Amy", I greet her with a smile as I walk into the staff room. Amy smiles happily at me as she pours herself a cup of coffee.

"Good Morning, Grace. Would you like a cup of coffee?" She offers, and I nod before taking a mug from the cabinet. Amy takes the cup before filling it up for me.

"So, how was your weekend?" She asks me as I add milk to my coffee.

"Awk, it was boring, just spent it in the house with David," I tell her; my smile shakes, and I quickly take a gulp of my coffee to cover my apprehension. Amy nods her head, smiling as she sits down at the table.

"How was yours?" I ask, sitting down at the table with her.

"It really good, actually; Tom and I spent it decorating our new apartment," Amy tells me, excited, and I don't think I've ever seen her smile this much. "We couldn't settle on the colour for the hallway, but we finally found a lovely pastel yellow that goes with all of our photo frames and decorations,"

"That sounds so nice," I smile at her, but I look down at my coffee cup and trace my finger around the rim as sadness fills me. I wish that I could have a cute relationship like that, but because I continuously mess up and ruin everything, I can't have that.

"Tom and I are throwing a house warming party once we have finished with the decorations and moving in," Amy tells me as Janet sits down at the table. "So, I will expect my two work besties to be there,"

"Of course," Janet smiles, "Any excuse to drink wine,"

I laugh, nodding my head. "I'll be there if I am free,"

"Tom is set on having his Xbox in the living room, which has caused many debates," Amy tells us, with a light, airy laugh. My stomach twists with the aching sadness and jealousness of Amy's ability to have a healthy relationship with her partner.

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