Chapter 17: How he came to my house

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Chapter Seventeen: How he came to my house

Edited and Rewritten

The morning was foggy, and my memory of last night was hazy due to my passing out. So, I avoided David to stop any further anger, and I was far too scared of him right now to even think of facing him, especially after what I realised last night. My body ached, and I cannot take any more painkillers as I have reached my limit for the next four hours. I do not remember much from last night, and I am glad due to the bruises that linger on my face. I only remember the heartbreaking realisation of our relationship and hauling my body up the stairs to bed at three in the morning when I came round from passing out.

I sit with a basin of warm water, and I wash the cuts from the broken shards of the dining plates. I watch as the water turns a light shade of red, and I bandaged up my arms. I use a small mirror to dab antiseptic cream on the cut below my eye. I clean up after myself, moving slowly to avoid David.

I sneak my book from upstairs, moving out into the porch. I sit the book down, trying to avoid the sadness that has been aching in me since I woke up. I tighten my ponytail before pulling my baseball cap down to cover my face from view. Mrs Swanson waves to me, and I slyly wave back, hoping that David didn't see the interaction.

I open the book, my fingers tracing the pages in wonderment. I still cannot believe that Nathan bought me this first edition copy of Jane Eyre. I wonder if Nathan missed me today at work, I hope that nothing important happened today. Unfortunately, I couldn't face going into work today, and by the time I came around, it was three in the afternoon, so I missed my chance to call in. I am sure that Nathan could survive without more for one day, seeing as he built the company from the ground up. I am not even important to the running of the company; I am just Nathan's PA, nothing more, nothing less.

I nervously pull my baseball cap further down, so my face wasn't on show to anyone. I flick the pages over carefully, opening at the last chapter that I read. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself before reading.

"I should have made it as hard for you to leave as now it is for me to leave you", I whisper, reading the quote.

My eyes water as they trace and read the quote repeatedly. The truth that it echoed was almost deafening — David can walk away from me continually for a whole manner of things, be it beer, be it his friends or even another woman. But, I am always there waiting for him because leaving him would be the hardest thing, and I do not think that I am strong enough to survive it. I would be truly alone without him. Alone and worthless.

The sound of a loud car engine drags me from my thoughts and the book in my hands. My eyes flicker to it, and I see Nathan's town car and the shadow of Bradley in the driving seat. My heart pounds in my chest like it is rattling against my ribcage. I shoot up from the porch swing and drag my body as fast as it allows me to move into the house. I manage to slam the door shut just before the car pulls to a stop outside.

I lean my back against the door, panting. The frame digging into the bruises on my back. I beg that Nathan suddenly decides to leave or that I made a mistake and it wasn't his car. I murmur the wish repeatedly, but the sudden and loud knock comes to the door like it was mocking me.


Nathan's loud, smooth voice rang through the door, and the tears of embarrassment formed in my eyes as his fist knocked on the door once again.

"Grace, I know you are in there. I saw you close the door," He tells me, and a defeated sigh leaves my mouth. I knew that I had to answer the door or it would be too suspicious. So I slowly turn to the door, pulling my hat down even though it couldn't go lower.

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