Chapter 1: How I fell

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Chapter One: How I fell

Rewritten and edited


I jump out the way of the smashing glass and covered my face to protect my eyes. I feel the sharp glass graze my skin, and I look up at David with tears in my eyes. He pushes me to the floor, and my hands land on the glass.

"David, I am so sorry," I cry out to him as he holds my head still, with my hair wrapped in his hand. I can smell the beer on him, and it is stale and strong. I try my best to plead with him; he slaps me across the face with the back of his hand.

"You are worthless. You are nothing," David sneers as he gets close to my face, and I whimper as his large hand clamps over my jaw, holding me still as he looks over my face. I feel tears streaming down my face as I dangle helplessly in his arms.

"You make me do this. You can't do anything right," He yells at me, and I wince as I try to get away from his hurtful hands and words. I know that he will regret doing this to me when he wakes up in the morning - this isn't him. This isn't him.

"I know, and I am so sorry," I apologise to him, and he lets go of me. I stand still for a minute, scared to breathe or move in case I angered him again.

"I will go, and I will get you some more beer since you ran out," I plead with him before slowly turning away, but my stomach turns when his large hand grabs me by the wrist. I know what is coming, and that scares me more than anything. His grip on my wrist tightens to the point that I thought he was going to snap my wrist like a twig.

I am a mouse compared to him - he stands over me like a bear. My eyes widened as he brings his hand down and stricks me with the back of his hand. His hand hit me like a shovel. I fall down on the ground, light-headed.

I try to crawl away to the safety of our bedroom, but David grabs me by the ankle, dragging me back to him, kicking and screaming. I cry and pleaded with him to let me go, but his anger possesses him.

"I love you, but you make me do this. I have to do this to make you better," David says to me with a slur in his voice as he delivers a kick to the stomach, which causes my eyes to water and my breath to leave my body. I lay on the ground, winded and coughing as he screamed and yells at me. His harsh words break my heart, but I know that this wasn't him — he loved me.

David's assault continues for an hour, and I give up on begging him to stop. He is too far gone, and I have lost hope. I lay on the ground with blurred vision as he stalks away from me, and I watch as he goes through my handbag for money. I can't stop my eyes from closing as faintness washes over me.

I awake on the floor, and the house is silent - David isn't back from wherever he had stormed off to. I pick my bruised and aching body from our bedroom floor, and I limp into the bathroom. I gasp as I look into the mirror, and I see the black eye beginning to form on my face and the bruises along my jaw that are black and angry.

I clean my face free from the blood, and I pick up the shards of glass from the bedroom floor. I hate this, I despise the way that he makes me feel and what he does to me, but I can't leave him; it will only get worse. I put up with it because he loves me, and I love him despite everything.

David climbs the stairs as I put the glass into the bin, and I can smell the alcohol on him before he walks into the bedroom. He pushes open the bedroom door, and worry floods me, and I freeze. My breath shakes as he takes off his shoes, and I did not dare to move.

"Why are you acting like that?" He snaps at me, and I feel my stomach twist as he stands up from the bed and marches over to me. He grabbed  my jaw again and looking me deep in the eyes.

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