(Not Edited) How I passed out at his door

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Not Edited

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I woke up with a gasp for breath, and I looked about my bedroom, which was now empty. I took my chance. I slowly dragged my broken body to the landing and saw David wasn't there, so I went back to my room and got the suitcase; I caught sight of my face, and I broke down my face was covered in dry blood, cut and bruises. The new dress Nathan had brought me was covered in my blood and ripped from the broken glass. David had killed any love I had for him when he almost killed me.

I picked up my suitcase, which hurt like hell, but I forced my strength, and I walked downstairs, grabbing my phone and walking out of the door. Even though I paid for it, the car belonged to David, so I left that for him. Tear poured down my face as I walked down different streets, not knowing where to go since I didn't have anyone. The only person I could go to.....no, I can't, not after I walked out of his home.

I started to feel weak and like I was about to pass out, and I looked about me and saw I was near the one place I was sure I couldn't go, but I knew I had to go. I am soaked to the bone, causing me to shiver.

I felt weaker with every step I took, but I summoned all my strength to keep pushing myself to walk as my eyes started to become fuzzy, and my broken and bruised body cried out with trauma as I came to his apartment building. I was lucky the door was open, but I fell to my knees, and I started to cry as my body couldn't take anymore.

I had got so close, but so far, David's right; I am worthless.

"No! David's not right; I am worth something!" I told myself as I made myself crawl up the steps to the lift. I lay on the elevator floor as it made its way up to the penthouse.

I slowly dragged my body to his door; it felt like it took years. The pain was intense that I felt like I was about to throw up. My eyes started to close as I pulled myself up, using the wall before knocking on Nathan's door.

It took a couple of minutes, but the door finally opened, and tears fell from my eyes as I watched horror spread on his face.

"Grace!" Nathan yelled in surprise as I started to fall onto him; he caught me before I hit the ground and a weak smile made its way onto my face before I passed out again.

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