(Not Edited) How he came back

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"Hi Melissa", I smiled at her as I walked over to the desk. I was here to get ready for tonight's charity event; Lillian is hosting it in the Company building, in the event room.

"Hello, Grace, back again?" She smiled at me.

I smiled at her before sitting down in the salon chair; she started to wash my hair. I went shopping early with Rosie, and we both got a dress for tonight.

Melissa started to work on my hair, drying it. She put half up in a simple up-do, but I loved it.

"So, where are you going tonight?" Melissa asked as she took off the make-up I was wearing to reapply new make-up.

"Oh, um, it's a charity ball event again. I can't remember what for," I told her, and she nodded with a smile.

"Good to see your bruises are gone", She said to me, and I nodded with a bright smile. I was so happy that I didn't have to cover my face in a ton of make-up.

We chatted back and forth as she did my make-up and other women called Sandra painted my nails.

"So, you and Mr Alexander, what's going on there?" Sandra asked, and I bit my lip.

"Um.. do you want to know?" I smirked playfully at them.

"Yeah!" They both yelped happily at me, and I smiled at them.

"We're just dating just now", I beamed happily as I sighed, sinking into the chair.

"I'm so happy for you; I knew you's were going to get together. You're the perfect couple," Janet told me, and I couldn't help but squeal along with them.

"So, we better get invited to the wedding", Sandra joked, and I chuckled.

"There's not going to be a wedding anytime soon," I told them, but they smiled a sneaky smile at each other, and I rolled my eyes smiling.

I had a cup of tea, and we chatted for hours about nothing important but most about Nathan and I.

"Sorry, I need to leave", I said, giving them a half-smile.

"Well, I hope you have a good time tonight," Janet said, and Sandra nodded along before I gave them both a hug goodbye.

I walked outside and got into Nathan's car that I borrowed from him to go and get my hair and nails done. It was a treat from him.

He wasn't joking when he said he was going to treat me like a Queen!

I drove back to Nathan's apartment building, and I took out the bag and got out of the car before saying hi to the doorman. I unlocked the door to Nathan's apartment after I got out of the lift.

Nathan was at a business meeting, so I was to get ready here, and he would come and meet me here.

I made myself a cup of coffee when my phone started to ring with an unknown number, so I answered it.

"Hello," I cheered.

"Grace?" The voice said, and I fell against the fridge before sliding down it.

"David", I breathed out as I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Grace, come home," He told me, and I couldn't believe he was asking me this.

"David, no," I told him, trying to sound strong.

"If you don't, I will be forced to do something," He told me, fear stabbed into my heart. The phone shook in my hands, and I couldn't breath.

My eyes glance around the apartment, feeling it close in on me. I let out a strangled breath, I touch my neck, feeling the ghost of David's hands around it.

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