(Not Edited) How my life was perfect

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"Here, give me him," I said, smiling at Nathan, and I put our son James in the play-cot along with his sister Sophia. They are Fraternal Twins but still look the same.

"I can't believe they are one today," Nathan said, pulling me in for a kiss.

I sighed happily against his chest
"I know it's all went by so fast."

I was right; this year has gone by really fast. I'm working with Nathan, raising our children together, and I also wrote a book this year on my abuse, so other women know about the signs, and it became a number one bestseller. I changed some of the storylines; I changed my name and Nathan's.

I didn't make Nathan a billionaire because not every woman is as lucky as me and meets a kind, loving and handsome Billionaire. I wanted to make the story something that every woman can relate to it. We both have been busy, and most of all, we've been happy.

Nathan surprised me with a new house when we came back from our Romantic Honeymoon. It was tremendous. The children stay in the same room just now but have their own when they grow up; I just want them to have a good bond with each other.

The caterers arrived, and they began to get everything ready. I didn't want caterers, but Lillian insisted that she hire them, so I just went along with it. I was grateful for the help. 

Mark and Lillian arrived along with Rosie and his brothers.

"Where are my gorgeous grandchildren?" Lillian cooed as Sophia and James smiled up at her, looking so cute and adorable. We walked out of their room, leaving Lillian and Mark to play with them for a while. I went downstairs with Nathan.

Everything in my life is perfect, and I couldn't ask for more. Nathan treats me like a queen and his children like a Prince and a Princess. I try my best to treat him like the king he is, but I don't think that I will ever be able to make it up to Nathan for what he has done for me.

"Um, hi, Mrs Alexander... Can I get you to sign your book?" The young women said as she stood awkwardly and nervously with my book in her hands. I gave her a warm smile, and she seemed to calm down.

"Of course" I took the book and pen off her, and I signed my name along with a small message.

"Thank you", She squealed happily, and I smiled at her before she went back to the kitchen.

I looked into the long floor length mirror, and I dusted off my long black sundress. I fixed the hem of my short denim jacket.

I turned around to see Bradley walk in the door with a big gift in hand. Things have been going well for him as well. He started his successful chauffeur company. He has an army of cars and limousine ready for when anyone calls and hires one.

"Hey Bradley", I smiled before hugging him. He was dressed in a black Armani suit and an open white shirt. I smiled as I pulled away from him, and he handed me the present with a big white ribbon tied around it.

I took it off him and put it on the table.
"Thank you so much; you didn't have to."

He shrugged with a smile on his face. "Anything for my godchildren."

"Well, thank you."

Nathan and I made Bradley and Rosie, Sophia and James's godparents. I was so happy that they excepted the offer. They were perfect for the job because I knew that they loved them more than anything.

Lillian and Mark came down the stairs, each of them carrying one of the children.

Bradley took Sophia off of Lillian, and her face lit up. She loves her Uncle Bradley. Sophia let out a giggle as Bradley kissed her cheek.

"Is that my niece and nephew I can hear?" Rosie heard squealed from the living room before she ran through to the hall. She took James from Mark before holding him above her head as he giggled.

Nathan took out his camera and started to take some pictures of Bradley and Rosie with the children. I couldn't help but smile at how cute they were.

"I love you," Rosie said, kissing James cheek. "I do! I love you."

Rosie was wearing the amethyst matching necklace I brought her for her 24th birthday

People started to arrive, and I hugged Amy when I saw her. She handed me two presents, and I set them down on the table. I hugged Amy before giving Tom one as well.

"How are you?" Amy asked, and I shrugged, smiling.

"Can't complain. Life is great" I smiled at her. "How is it going?"

I pointed to her tiny baby bump, and she smiled, rubbing her hand over it. Amy is seven months pregnant but still looks skinny and has a bump of three months. As she rubbed her bump, her diamond engagement ring shone in the sunlight.

Tom had proposed to her two months ago, and now everyone is happy and with the one they love.

"Morning sickness is a killer, but it's not too bad."

I looked over at James and Sophia. "Yeah, because, at the end of it, you get something amazing."

Tom smiles at me. "They look so happy."

"Yeah, they love their godparents" I smiled as Rosie and Bradley played with them on the carpet.

"That brings the question up..." Amy said with a nervous smile as Nathan walked over. Nathan stood behind me as he rested his hands on my shoulders.

Tom took Amy's hand to calm her, and it seemed to do the trick.

"Um, Tom and I were wondering if you and Nathan would be our baby's... Godparents" Amy smiled hopefully at us. I squealed before nodding as I jumped up and down, and I heard Nathan's deep chuckle from behind me.

"Yes, yes, yes a thousand times yes", I giggled as I hugged them both along with Nathan, who seemed just as excited as me.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let us get this party started" Nathan chuckled, and everyone walked through to the living room cheering. Amy handed me James, while Bradley gave Sophia to Nathan.

I was given a glass of orange juice in a champagne glass as everyone else, but Amy, Nathan and I drank champagne. Nathan had to give his camera to Tom, and he took a photo of Nathan and I.

It's funny people say that the first year of marriage is the worst, but I still have the same fuzzy feeling in my stomach; everything he looks at me or kisses me, and I hope I never lose it.

I stood holding Nathan's hand as we talked to our friends, well more Nathan's friends, but they were friendly, and I always spoke to the wife.

I could see Noah and Sean playing with  Sophia and James. Noah has two little girls of his own that took part in Nathan and mines wedding.

The two girls cooed over the babies as they stood nervously around them. Noah told me that they were both scared to hurt them, which I find so cute and sweet.

I looked at everyone else, and I saw Rosie and Bradley laughing together, making me smile. I think something is going on with them, and I think that would be amazing. He is only three years older than her, just like my parents when they first met.

The smiles on everyone's faces would never match up to the amount of happiness I was feeling; I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I came from being and feeling like nothing, and now I'm so in love and feeling fantastic about my life. Everything is going perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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