Chapter 6: How I couldn't stop thinking of her

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Chapter Six: How I Couldn't Sleep

Edited and Rewritten

Nathan's POV

I lay staring at the moon as it shines like a spotlight. I groan before rolling about my bed, trying to clear my mind from distraction. My mind would not stop, and my chest tightens as I think about her. Grace invaded my mind like a Viking, and I was nothing but a poor weak monk that couldn't stop her. I shouldn't be thinking about her as she is my personal assistant and she also has a partner, but she is all I can think of this past weekend.

There is something about David that doesn't sit right with me - his behaviour was very aggressive, and he seemed very possessive over Grace to the extreme. I don't know if I am overthinking things, but it made me uncomfortable.

Grace looked stunning on Friday night, the black dress highlighted her amazing looks, but I do not think that she felt comfortable in it - I knew that it wasn't her style. She is one of the most gorgeous women that I have had the pleasure of seeing. Her eyes are bewitching, but I can see the walls that she has up and that she is hiding secrets. Her smile is mesmerising and can light up a room with warmth.

I give up on trying to get to sleep, and I roll out of my Alaska king bed. I stretch my tired and sleepy body before walking into my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and splash my face with cold water. I brush my teeth as my mind wanders back to Grace, and I wish that I was able to stop it.

I make my way into the kitchen, which is the reason why I bought this penthouse suite apartment as it was such a fantastic open plan and a good-sized kitchen. I love being in the kitchen and cooking; it is my favourite room in my home, other than my bedroom, as sleep is essential to me. I love to cook traditional Malaysian foods that have been taught to me and passed down through generations of our family. Some of my happiest childhood memories are being in the kitchen, Grandmother and mother teaching me family receipts. I make myself a cup of tea before heading back into my bedroom.

I decide that I need to go on a run to clear my mind from all of the building worries and thoughts. I change into a pair of grey jogging bottoms, and I throw on a plain black t-shirt with a sports jacket, and I put on new black jumpmen jordans. I stretch my calves and shoulders before I put in my AirPods and make my way out into the cold early morning October air.

I pull my hood up as a light shower of rain poured down on me as I jog along the street. I run along the pier as the morning sun begins to rise, and I lean on the railing as I watch the sky erupt in amazing colours. I push against the railing as I stretch, panting as sweat runs down my back. I change my music before running back along the pier as the morning sun beat down on me. I run through town until I get to my apartment building.

I strip off my clothes as I make my way into my bathroom for a long hot shower. The water beats down on my shoulders and neck, washing away the sweat, relaxing me. I wrap a towel around my waist before walking into my kitchen and make myself a quick breakfast while watching the morning news.

Standing, looking into my mirror as I tighten the grey tie around my neck, which matches my favourite grey Emporio Armani suit. I fasten my watch to my wrist before messing my slightly damp hair, letting it fall in its naturally messy state, before spraying myself with aftershave.

I grab my briefcase with all of the paperwork for my meeting today. I lock my door behind me, and I make my way out of the building.

"Good Morning, Mr Alexander," Norman, the doorman, greets as he opens the door for me.

"Good Morning, Norman," I smile to him, "Thank you,"

My driver, Bradley, opens the door of the Towncar, and I get in before thanking him. I have known Bradley for years, and he is one of my most trusted friends. We went to high school together; I was a freshman when he was a junior. We became friends when I joined the kickboxing team, and he helped me train and lose weight as I was a chunky child. I ate too many of my grandmother's dumplings. He started his own chauffeur business, and it just made sense to hire him to be my driver.

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