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"So, Anderson, why is it you whose going to this private school to give them tickets for West Side Story?" Marina raised an eyebrow, looking to the boy beside her in the car.

"I used to go to Dalton, head of the Warblers." Blaine explained, causing the girl to nod.

"And why is it I'm coming with you?" Marina wasn't actually dreading going to Dalton, it could have been worse. She didn't mind Blaine either, he could have been more like Berry or Hudson.

"You hate the New Directions, and Tina can finish up on the costumes. You needed a break, Mari." Blaine quickly looked over at Marina, giving her a small smile. The girl simply nodded with an eye roll, looking out of the window. In Ohio, the most exciting thing was grass.

"Why'd you call me 'Mari'?" Marina questioned, turning back to Blaine.

"Why do you hate the New Directions?" Blaine refuted. Marina decided to tell him the truth.

"Well, Berry's selfish and annoying, Hudson sucks up to her, Jones thinks she's Beyonce, no offence, Anderson, but Hummel has a very lady-like voice, Fabray was cool until she decided to look like a fairy, Cohen-Chang whines a lot, Chang's only relevance is dancing, Pierce can dance but is pretty lacking in the knowledge department, Puckerman keeps on looking at me like he wants to get into my pants, Schuester sucks up to Berry and Hudson, Abrams is bloody demanding with the musical, Flanagan thinks he's special because he's Irish, and Lopez? She's got an attitude. I like her. She's on my good list."

"What about me?" During Marina's rundown on her opinions, Blaine tried not to laugh and had failed once... or twice.

"You're on my good list. You're first impression was a lot better because you sang. Also, you're nicer. That's the prep school Dalton attitude, I guess." Marina laughed to herself, causing Blaine to stare, surprised. He hadn't heard Marina laugh before.

"You have a nice laugh, Mari, but I think you need to sort yourself out. You're pretty arrogant, you think you're better than us all and when really.... You're not." Blaine told the girl, who glared at him, his head shooting back onto the road.

"Say that again if you meet my parents. They're rich. I'm rich. I haven't been around people who aren't snobs, okay? I'm surprised you don't understand that ex-Dalton student." Marina sighed, before giving Blaine a shocked look. "Why didn't you stay at Dalton, the good private school? I would have stayed in my old school if I hadn't graduated last year. I hate the stench of public schools."

Blaine nodded slowly, pointing out the sign that said the pair were entering Westerville. "Anderson?" Marina muttered, looking over to the male. He nodded, letting her speak. "How did you and Hummel meet?" Marina thought that if she was going to be in the car with Blaine for the next while she may at least be entertained.

Blaine gave Marina an excited smile, beginning to tell the tale of how he met Kurt. "So, I was on my way to Warbler practice, we were holding a mini-concert and Puck had told Kurt to spy on us. He stopped me, so I told him what was going on and I grabbed his hand and took him to the Senior Commons. I knew he was special immediately as I don't take people's hands when I meet them. I then sang Teenage Dream by Katy Perry to him with the Warblers."

"Romantic." Marina nodded. Blaine agreed, nodding. "Do you have recordings of anything. I'm just curious, not trying to spy on the Warblers or anything." Blaine nodded, handing the girl his phone, and telling her what to click on.

There were two folders of songs, one labelled 'WARBLERS', the other titled, 'NEW DIRECTIONS'. The Warbler videos were all acapella, and all entertaining to watch. The New Directions videos were from the sectionals, regionals, and the previous year's nationals. Once she'd watched most of the videos, the music being played aloud, Marina turned to Blaine.

"Berry and Hudson lost nationals because they kissed?" Marina scoffed, "If they even attempt that this year, I'll yank Berry away by her hair. Or Hudson. Whichever I'm closer to." Blaine laughed, nodding slightly.

"I want to win nationals too. Last year, when both Kurt and I were in the Warblers, we lost to the New Directions. But since we're a part of New Directions, we have a bigger chance of winning." Blaine agreed. "Which ones were your favourites?"

Marina shrugged, looking through the files. "I liked Somewhere Only We Know, and Raise Your Glass from the Warblers, well no it's mainly you singing, but y'know." Blaine nodded, understanding Marina.

"The New Directions were good at doing Don't Stop Believing. Berry's Don't Rain on My Parade was good too, no matter how bad a person Berry herself is." Blaine nodded again, before turning to the roads around them.

"We're close to Dalton." He noted, "Did you know Artie wants me to have a..." Blaine trailed off, hoping Marina would know what he meant.

"Sexual discovery?" She sugar-coated the phrase, grinning impishly to the boy who nodded slowly.

"Rachel too."

"Just because you two play Tony and Maria?" Marina said, shocked, not truly expecting Artie to be that demanding. Blaine nodded, and soon enough, the pair found themselves standing outside of Dalton academy.

"I'm not underdressed, am I?" Marina looked down at her outfit, a white turtleneck, black skirt, white thigh-high socks and black heeled ankle boots. On her hands were black fingerless gloves. Blaine shook his head. "Overdressed?"

"You'll be fine, Mari. They're just teenage boys." Marina laughed, the Warblers not her main focus.

"Okay then, Anderson."

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