f o r t y - n i n e

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The next day, the seven girls had invited Coach Beiste to the choir room, not telling her why until she arrived. "You girls wanted to see me?" The woman asked lightly, confused of the reason why.

"We wanted the chance to say that we're sorry, and we had no idea." Tina stated, shaking her head slightly.

"No idea that this was really happening to someone we care so much about." Mercedes nodded in agreement.

"Someone I've known for a short amount of time, but someone so damn awesome." Marina chuckled.

"Someone who knows how it can feel." Arabella added, speaking quietly.

"And we're really proud of you for sticking up for yourself and getting out. And we owe you a song." Santana smiled as the seven guided the coach to sit down, before sitting themselves down on stools in front of the smiling woman.

Santana sang first, no instruments playing as she sang the song. The instruments began to play when Tina sang, putting her heart into the song. Mercedes sang the song next, Santana harmonising with her as Coach Beiste slowly began to cry. The trio all sang, the other four girls lightly harmonising before they silenced, Marina singing the next lines. Arabella sang next before the duo sang together, harmonising with smiles on their face.

From then all, the seven sang, Mercedes belting out the high notes as they all swayed lightly to the song. When they finished, Santana was the first one to move closer to the woman, hugging her. Soon enough, the eight were all in a tight hug. "Thank you, girls. You're beautiful. Get over here." She mumbled lightly, smiling.

Marina stood beside Arabella and Coach Beiste, the trio going to her office to speak privately.

When they arrived, Marina spoke first. "So, you said you wanted the names of the best state's attorney's?" She asked, the woman nodding. "Well, there's Mr. Thomas Hardwood, and then there's Mrs. Emilia Smythe."

"You know them how?" She curiously asked.

"Well," Marina held up her knuckles. "They helped drop the charges when I beat up a homophobe.... they dropped them because he was a homophobe." She explained. "They'll help you get him in his place, okay? They're also my best friend's parents."

The next day, Sue was announcing the prom king and queen nominees. "Good morning, McKinley High!" Sue yelled. "First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for your lacklustre Cracker Barrel meat-and-cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious."

Sue took a breath. "Now it's time to announce this year's Senior Prom Court nominees. Your choices for Prom King are Rick 'The Stick' Nelson. President Brittany S. Pierce. That's weird. And also, Finn Hudson." She then took a breath. "And now on to the category we all really care about: Prom Queen."

Then they heard Becky from over the pa. "Becky for Prom Queen 2012!"

Sue sighed, not really caring before continuing. "Missy Gunderson. Santana Lopez. And Quinn Fabray. Congratulations to all our nominees."

Her voice then turned panicked. "Becky, Becky, Becky! That's an antique!"

The girl obviously didn't care as a banging noise was heard. "I was robbed, Coach!"

Everyone was now in the choir room, sitting themselves down as Mr. Schue came into the room. "Okay! A big congrats to all our prom nominees!" Everyone clapped for Finn, Quinn, and Santana. "But, hey, listen up. We are all winners because Principal Figgins asked New Directions to sing again this year! Come on! Fantastic." Everyone clapped and cheered once more.

"All right. Brittany has an announcement." He moved out of the way as Brittany moved to stand where he had previously been, only some clapping.

"Hello, my fellow Americans." Marina cleared her throat as the girl began, gesturing to herself and then to Rory- the boy from Ireland. Brittany continued. "The theme for this year's prom will be 'Dinosaurs.'"

"Sheer genius." Santana smiled over to her girlfriend, who nodded in thanks.

"I was inspired by the new girl Joe, who reminds me of a cavewoman. The refreshments will be berries, meat, and rainwater. As you are no doubt aware, the U.S. elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep the prom elections completely above board, I have appointed Santana and Quinn to count the ballots." Everyone looked confused at her words, but nobody was bothered enough to speak up and correct her.

"What? That makes no sense!" Kurt gaped at the idea of prom queen rivals counting ballots.

"Shut it, Richard Simmons. Yes, Quinn's my homegirl, but I don't trust her, and you know she doesn't trust me." Santana immediately turned in her seat to look at Kurt, before looking to Quinn.

"We'll keep each other honest." Quinn nodded in agreement.

"You know, It's actually not a bad idea." Mercedes shrugged. Marina knew they'd stop the other from cheating.

"And last but not least, all hair gel has been banned from the prom." Brittany said, completely serious.

Blaine laughed. "Right."

But Brittany was serious. "I'm actually not joking. Hair gel was not invented until almost 30 million years after the Upper Palaeolithic Stone Age. And frankly, I don't like the way you look. Therefore, anyone who shows up to prom wearing hair gel will be turned away at the door. I hereby decree this to be the best prom ever." Everyone looked shocked at the hair gel ban.

Marina turned to Arabella, who had just turned to her as well. They nodded, before they both turned to look at Blaine. "So, Nick showed us a picture." Arabella stated.

"Trent showed us another." Marina added.

"They showed us your hair without the gel." They said together, sniggering at his horrified expression. "Can't wait to see it in person." They then turned back around as Mr. Schue cleared his throat, getting the attention of the group.

"Okay. Let's start thinking of dinosaur songs."

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