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After Edward told the girl she'll now be staying at Dalton, he left the room, as did most of the Warblers. There was only five left other than Marina and Blaine, and she guessed they were the ones who were going to be at West Side Story. She knew Nick already but looked curiously at the other four. Two of them sang solos during Uptown Girl, one hadn't spoken, and the other had begged Blaine to come back and re-join the Warblers.

"Blaine Anderson, Marina Fowler. Sebastian Smythe." The green eyed brunette smirked, moving his hand forward for the two to shake it. Blaine shook it first, letting Marina copy his movements.

"Hi." Blaine replied, grinning as he looked at the other Warblers.

"I'm Thad." The third boy who sang leaned close to her, whispering. Marina stared at him, seeing curly black hair and dark eyes, small freckles dotted around the short boy's face, "He's Trent, and that's Jeff."

Trent was looking at Blaine but looked over to the two when he heard his name. "Nice to meet you, Marina." He said, waving at the girl. Trent held a refined, yet sassy look as he looked over to Marina, the sass in his voice when he spoke. At the same time, he seemed to be a ball of sunshine. He was rounder than the others (that's because he's filled with sass). He too had brown eyes and gelled back hair. It was beginning to seem like hair gel was necessary to be at Dalton.

Jeff had a small smile on his face as he looked over at Nick, his brown eyes sparkling in the light. His hair was surprisingly not gelled but swept to the side of his face. His hair was dyed blonde, the roots brown. He waved over to Marina, talking his eyes off of Nick for a brief second.

"So, Are you a freshman?" Blaine asked Sebastian, who scoffed, looking himself up and down.

"Do I look like a freshman?" Marina shook her head, chiming in and saving Blaine.

"Nah, you look older than...." She paused, looking to the boys, "How old is a freshman?" Thad laughed, telling her how old a freshman is. "Yeah, you look older than fourteen."

"You know what, why don't we go to the Dalton café, get something to drink?" Blaine quickly suggested, getting nods from everyone in the room. When they got to the café, they sat around a large booth, a circular table in the middle. Marina was sitting between Blaine and Thad, Sebastian opposite her, Nick opposite Thad and Trent opposite Blaine. Jeff sat in the seat to the side, beside both Nick and Thad.

Trent stood, looking at the group, "I'll go get the drinks. Marina, what would you like?" The girl shrugged, not knowing what to choose.

"As long as it's something cold, surprise me." At that, Trent nodded and strolled off to the counter, ordering the drinks.

"So, you're a legend at Dalton." Sebastian told Blaine, making the boy look away with a shake of the head.

"Well, I..." Sebastian leaned back, chuckling to himself.

"Don't be modest. I was like, 'I don't know who this Blaine guy is, but apparently he's sex on a stick and sings like a dream. So... sucks that I missed him.'" The Warblers nodded at Sebastian's words, causing the boy to try and get them to stop. Marina grinned, nudging Blaine.

"You do sing like a dream." She agreed, causing the boy to slightly push her away. "What! It's true!" She protested.

"What's true?" Trent asked as he reappeared, handing each person their drink before gracefully placing something in front of Marina. He sat down as she inspected it, taking a small sip from the straw.

"What is this?" She mumbled, looking at Trent.

"That is bubble tea. Cold, strawberry flavoured bubble tea." He explained. Marina nodded, her hands going through her skirt pocket.

"What are you looking for?" Blaine asked, staring at the girl. He gaped at her when she pulled out a flask, opening it and tipping a clear liquid into the drink, stirring it in. Sebastian smirked.

"What's in there?" He asked, taking a sip from his coffee, courvoisier inside of his.

"What's in yours?" Marina immediately replied, managing to hold eye contact with the boy as she took as sip of her whiskey/vodka mixed bubble tea.

"Courvoisier." Sebastian said honestly. Marina nodded.

"A whiskey and vodka mix." Not one of them expected that.

"Dang, Marina! I bet you're fun at parties." Thad joked, placing an arm around Marina. She nodded, smirking.

"It's a talent, but British parties are terrible. Especially ones in posh private schools." She told them, getting a look from Nick.

"You went to a private school?" He sounded shocked, but Marina was confused at his shock.

"Yeah? Uncle Dalton wanted me to go to Crawford, but my parents wanted me to stay in England." Crawford was Dalton's sister school, an all-girl school. Nick nodded in understanding.

"So, why McKinley?" Jeff spoke up for the first time, looking over at Marina in curiosity.

"I've already graduated English high school, and Figgins offered to let me be here. I just make the clothes for New Directions and unfortunately have to be a member." She stopped, looking to Blaine. "I hate them, and I'm serious." He nodded, telling her that he knew she hated them.

Sebastian cleared his throat, wanting to speakto Blaine once more. "All right. Since I'm working to recreate your meteoricascent, I-I need to ask. Why did you leave Dalton? Were you bored with all thepreppies around here? Or is it that you broke too many hearts to stay?"

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