t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Marina was walking through the courtyard with Rachel and Santana, the trio talking about the girl's engagement. "I'm so glad I don't have to make anything." Marina laughed.

"I didn't speak up in class, but I wanted to say that I'm 100% behind you. I fully support your right to be unhappy with Finn for the rest of your lives. You should be able to love whoever you want." Santana said to Rachel before Mercedes, Quinn, Sam, and someone she'd never seen before walked up to them, their eyes on Rachel.

"Excuse me. Are you Miss Rachel Berry?" The trio gave Mercedes a dry look. Of course, she's Rachel Berry. They talk daily.

"Um, yeah." Rachel replied, confused.

"Well, we're the God Squad, and we're here to deliver a Vocal Valentine from one Finn Hudson." Mercedes told them before the unknown boy began to play the guitar and sing. Santana and Marina sat down as the boy sang and Sam rapped.

As everyone sang, danced, and played instruments, Marina turned to Santana. "He should be in Glee club."

Santana nodded in agreement as a choir flooded in, making the song even more impressive. "No kidding."

"Yay!" Rachel squealed, clapping her hands.

"Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Finn." Mercedes finished.

The pair stood, moving so that they were beside Rachel. "That was so sweet." Rachel smiled.

"So, you guys are a Christian group?" Santana asked expectantly.

"Yes." The boy with dreadlocks nodded.

"And if I pay, I can send a Vocal Valentine to anybody I want, right?" Santana clarified.

"Ten bucks. That's the deal." The boy confirmed.

"Well, awesome. In that case, I would like to send one to my girlfriend Brittany. And by that, I don't mean my friend who's a girl. I mean my girlfriend girlfriend. How does that sound?" Santana asked, getting the money, and placing it between the strings of his guitar. Santana then sauntered off, Rachel behind her.

"I'm Marina." She said to the boy, pulling out ten bucks.

"Joe." The boy replied, looking confused.

"Okay, you look surprised by Santana's request, but gay people are pretty common around here." Marina laughed, "I'm actually bisexual, but this vocal valentine is for my best friend Arabella Newton." She rambled slightly, handing the money to the boy.

"Sure. What song?" He asked, curious. Marina told him before they parted ways, Joe going with the rest of the God Squad and Marina going home for the day.

The next day, as everyone entered the choir room, Kurt showed off another valentines card. "Look what I just found in my locker! 'Bee Mine Forever, from your Secret Honey.' I swear, that Blaine is such a romantic." Kurt smiled, reading from the card.

He passed a kissing Rachel and Finn, as did Santana. "Horrifying."

"Finn, Rachel, come on, that's enough." Mr. Schue said to the pair as he entered the room, Rory behind him. "Everyone, sit down, uh, listen up. Rory has the floor."

"I've been trying to get my student visa extended, so I can spend junior year at McKinley, but I just found out the request was turned down. So, when the school year ends, I'll have to go back to Ireland. What? I miss my family so much, but you guys have become my second family. This song reminds me of you guys and how much I've grown to love each and every single one of you, and how thankful I am that you've made a place, away from Ireland, feel like home." Rory said to everyone, gaining smiles and sympathetic looks before he began to sing.

As Rory sang, people looked to their loved ones in the room, holding onto them dearly as they smiled. Kurt had tears in his eyes, thinking about Blaine. Rory thought of home, a few tears coming from his eyes as he sang. When thinking of home, Marina only thought about two locations- Scandals and Dalton. When thinking about Scandals, the thought about her uncle Bobby, Bear Cub (Dave Karofsky), and her time there with the Warblers and members of the McKinley Glee clubs. When she thought about Dalton, she immediately thought of her uncle Edward, then Sebastian, then Thad, Arabella, Nick, Jeff, Trent, and then the rest of the Warblers. She thought about the laughs, the songs, the dancing, and the times they all shared in her dorm.

When Rory finished, everyone clapped, Sugar clapping loudest as she stood. "Rory... I feel worse for you than I do for Artie. Will you be my date for Valentine's Day?" Sugar asked the boy.

He smiled ever-so-slightly. "It would be an honour." The pair hugged before the bell rang, everyone leaving the choir room. The next time the bell rang and everyone was in the choir room, Mercedes had a song she was going to sing. 

Marina only looked at Mercedes, impressed, during the song. She was powerful, and it was amazing. Mercedes was singing it to Sam, tears slowly falling down her face. Sam had tears dripping down his face, too, and when the song finished, he stood, quickly exiting the room as Mercedes quietly cried to herself.

As the Sugar Shack was that night, Marina and Arabella drove back to Dalton to get changed, their outfits already chosen with the help of the boys. None minded that the girls were going together, the whole idea seeming 'very McKinley', as Jeff described it. Both girls looked fabulous and were not afraid to show it as they sauntered into Breadstix, waving to Sugar who sat them in a booth and gave them an array of heart-shaped sweets.

Marina sat in the booth, her legs on the table as she sucked on a heart shaped lollipop, looking to Arabella who was slowly eating the chocolates. "What's up, Bella?" Marina asked, taking the lollipop out of her mouth as she looked at the girl.

"Well, remember the girl I told you about back at the Warbler's sectionals? Kara? I just miss her. I've loved her for years and.... God, Marina, I just want to be with her." Arabella said to Marina, sulking.

Marina leaned over to Arabella, smiling. "Hey, why don't you find her number? Talk to her, Bella. She was your best friend, and if she's not blind she'll fall in love with you quicker than Sebastian can tell a guy he's gay."

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