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Driving to West Lima was quick, the girl slipping through the back entrance of her uncle's home and going up the stairs to her room. Knowing her uncle was busy, Marina simply got one of her many buckets, filling it with bleach and dumping the clothes inside- well, not before changing into a white t-shirt and old jeans, clothes she didn't mind getting ruined by the bleach. She tied her hair into a messy bun, using a pencil to keep the hair in place, a watch on her wrist to keep track of the time.

During the wait, Marina began to re-pack some of her things, such as clothes, shoes, and stray fabric. She kept her machine out, as well as one of her mannequins in case of an emergency. When it was ready, she took the dress out of the bleach and placed it in her bathroom sink, leaving it to dry as she safely got rid of all the bleach. Marina then threw herself into bed, deciding to sleep through the night.

The next morning, she awoke early in the morning, getting dressed in what she wore last night. Her hair had stayed the same, but the girl placed the pencil back in her hair. She pulled on her boots, slinging a tape measure around her neck as she bagged Rachel's dress, placing it in the back of her car. She quickly drove to the Lima Bean, wanting a cold coffee with her whiskey/vodka mix to properly wake her up.

At the counter, she overheard two familiar voices as she payed, making her turn on her heels in confusion. "Anderson? Sebastian?" She wondered, making the two look to her.

"Oh! Morning, Mari." Blaine smiled, "I can't believe you asked for a shot of Courvoisier in your coffee." He then said to Sebastian, who smirked as Marina poured in her mix and took a swig of the drink.

"I forget how lame this town is. When I lived in Paris, I drank it like it was mother's milk." Sebastian told the pair as they sat down.

"You lived in Paris? I've always wanted to go to France." Marina said, as Blaine tried to stutter out a shocked response.

"When...? Oh, okay, wow." Sebastian raised an eyebrow at Blaine, "You're just so, you know, you're out there."

Sebastian smirked at Blaine, "And your whole bashful schoolboy thing? Super hot." He then turned to Marina, "I may be gay, but you're generally hot." Marina raised an eyebrow. So, Sebastian Smythe was gay. And had a thing for Blaine.

"Look, Sebastian, I have a boyfriend." Blaine sighed.

"Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you." Sebastian was not bothered by the idea of Kurt, Blaine's boyfriend.

"No, I mean, I really care about him." Blaine admitted, his voice sombre.

"He doesn't need to know." Sebastian refuted. Marina raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out why Sebastian would want to pull Blaine away from Kurt. The only reason would be for the Warblers. Oh.

"I'd just never want to mess my thing up with him in any way. He's really great." Blaine grinned. Marina saw the boy in question coming over, so the girl prepared herself for an entertaining scene.

"Who's really great?" Kurt asked, standing behind Blaine and looking distastefully at Sebastian.

"You! We were just talking about you. Sebastian, this is Kurt, my boyfriend, who I was just..." Blaine stammered as he introduced the pair to each other, the boys reluctantly shaking hands.

"Pleasure. And how do we know Sebastian?" Sebastian looked at Blaine, explaining how they met to Kurt.

"We met at Dalton. Was dying to meet Blaine. Those Warblers just won't shut up about him, and because of the little stunt Marina did yesterday I don't think they'll ever stop talking about either of them. Didn't think he could live up to the hype, but as it turns out..." Sebastian said to Kurt, who had pulled out the fourth chair and sat beside Blaine, interlocking their arms.

"Yes, he's even more impressive in the flesh." Kurt smiled.

"Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?" Sebastian asked, a plan forming in his mind.

"Well, we're rehearsing for the school musical. And then, at bedtime, we do a rigorous skin-sloughing regimen over the phone together." Kurt told him. Marina stared at the pair weirdly, not knowing how- or if- she should respond to that.

"And as sexy as that sounds, what do you say we shake things up? I get you guys a couple of fake IDs and we head over to Scandals in West Lima." Marina grinned, leaning towards Sebastian.

"Scandals? I won't need a fake ID." She told him, confusing the boy, but she gave him a look that said, 'I'll explain later'.

"That's the gay bar." Blaine told the confused Kurt.

"The last time I was there, I met the man of my dreams on the dance floor." Marina rolled her eyes, telling by his tone of voice that he wasn't the 'man of his dreams', but in fact just some guy he made out with.

"That's so sweet. And are you two still together?" Kurt asked, a sickly-sweet smile on his face as he pulled Blaine's arm closer to his body.

"Sadly, no. We broke up about 20 minutes after we met. Come on, guys. Live a little." Sebastian urged the pair to accept but Blaine only looked awkward about it.

"We would love to, Sebastian. Thank you for the offer. That's very nice of you, but that just isn't our kind of thing." He told the Warbler captain, an awkward smile on his face. Kurt grinned.

"Let's do it." Kurt said to Blaine, who looked at his boyfriend with a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" Kurt nodded.

"Come on, Anderson. Hummel will be a bore without you." Marina joked, Kurt nodding in agreement.

"Yeah. We have a whole bunch of firsts to startcrossing off our list. We're in." Kurt leaned close to Blaine as he spoke.

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