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Marina and Dave talked until the Warblers appeared, Marina discovering multiple things about the boy. He was gay, he used to go to McKinley and was a bully (he admitted to bullying Kurt and the rest of New Directions), he moved to a new school and still occasionally talked to Kurt.

Jeff had rushed to get drinks for everyone as they sat down around Marina, the girl offering the cookies to the boys who all gratefully took one. Marina looked expectantly to Thad once Jeff came back with the drinks. Marina pulled out her flask with a grin, Jeff rolling his eyes playfully at the girl as she poured the liquid into her drink. "So, Thad, what did you have in mind?"

The boy told her his idea, Marina nodding in excitement before clearing her throat. "So, you boys' sectionals is tomorrow... Nervous?" The boys exchanged looks, Nick being the one to crack.

"Yes. Absolutely." Marina laughed whilst Jeff interlaced his hands with Nick's, both boys nervous for tomorrows competition.

"There's nothing to worry about. We'll win." Sebastian tried to calm the others down, reassuring them that they would win. Marina nodded.

"That's the spirit. What songs are you doing anyway?"

Trent smiled at Marina. "We're doing Uptown Girl, what you saw was the beginning of our setlist, Tear in My Heart by Twenty-One Pilots, and a Hamilton mashup."

Marina laughed nervously, "Tell me it's not my fault that you're doing Hamilton."

Thad smiled knowingly, "Oh, it's all your fault."

Marina gasped as she checked the time. "We better get back to school."

Sebastian smirked, "Never thought I'd hear you say that."

Marina pushed his shoulder as they were all in the parking lot, "I have a musical number to do, Sebby." Thad grinned as he showed the girl they had come in his car, offering a ride to McKinley. She accepted, the drive quick and full of laughter.

"See you later, boys!" She exclaimed as she got out of the car, walking into William McKinley high school.

As she entered, a boy with big hair and a microphone came up to her, a student with a camera behind him. "Marina Fowler, I'm Jacob Ben Israel. Mind answering a few questions for my blog?" Marina shrugged.

"So, you're a British fashion designer." Marina nodded. "Have you ever made anything... indecent?" Marina looked at the boy, offended.

"Unlike you, no, I haven't." Jacob looked away.

"Okay.... So, inside information tells me you spend most of your time with the Dalton Academy Warblers. Anything going on with them?"

Marina rubbed her temples. "No. We're all just friends. Anyway, three of them are gay and no offence to them but I wouldn't date any of them. It just seems weird." Marina paused as Jacob moved closer to her. "Can you go away now?" Luckily, he did.

Marina then entered the choir room, where Finn was starting to sing.

As he sang, he got closer to Santana until he was sitting on a chair in front of her. She was crying by the end, as the boys had harmonised with Finn during the song. Santana stood, looking up at Finn. "Thank you." Santana said to Finn.

"We love you, Santana." Was the only response as the pair embraced. Marina then stood, clapping her hands.

"Okay, enough of all these sappy sad songs." Marina looked to Mr. Schue, "I have a song, too. A happier song." Mr. Schue nodded at her, letting her start. Finn and Santana sat down as Marina told the band what she was going to sing.

Marina danced around as she sang, pulling up all of the girls who all danced beside her and sang her backup. "That was so fun." Brittany said to her as Santana gave her a smile, uplifting her spirits. The boys cheered and clapped for the girls once they were finished.

"Marina.... wow! Where did you get the inspiration for that?" Mr. Schue asked her once the cheering had died down.

"A friend of mine suggested it, and also claimed that I'm destined to sing MARINA's music." The girl said nonchalantly. The bell then went, the seniors leaving as it was time for the election. The juniors all sat together in the choir room, Blaine being the first to speak.

"So.... If you guys had to vote, who would you vote for? I'd vote Kurt." Blaine began.

"Kurt." Marina agreed, as did Tina and Arabella.

Artie shrugged. "Brittany." Rory and Sugar nodded in agreement.

Soon after that, the bell rang again. Arabella walked alongside Marina in the halls, whispering to the girl. "All of Ohio knows Santana's a lesbian now. The commercial aired a few hours ago." Marina sighed, knowing the judging eyes would now be on Santana.

Marina and Arabella moved to gather the rest of the Glee girls when she saw Santana being hassled by a sophomore idiot. "Move your busted creeper ass." Mercedes threatened as they stood beside Santana.

"Now." Tina finished, an edge to her voice.

"Easy, girls. I'm just trying to make her normal." The boy scoffed, looking at the girls.

"She is normal." Brittany immediately replied, no hesitation present.

"It's not a choice, idiot. But even if it were, you'd be our last choice." Quinn continued.

The boy grinned. "Oh, I get it. You're all a bunch of lesbos." Santana nodded to Brittany, Marina, and Arabella who pulled their flower crowns out from their bags, placing them on their heads. The three stood close to Santana, smiling evilly at the boy.

"So, what if we are? You don't stand a chance either way. Bye-bye. Walk away." Rachel grinned as all of the girls waved at him mockingly.

As they sang, Marina alternated lines with Santana at the girl's request, Brittany, and Arabella not far behind as they sang lead backup, the other Glee girls singing backup behind them. When they arrived at the choir room, Marina grinned when she saw Kurt and Blaine proudly taking photos and recording the performance. "Okay, okay. Update, y'all. Um, I told my parents last night, and they were actually okay with it. I just have to tell my Abuela before she sees that stupid commercial. But luckily she only watches Univision."

Figgins came into the room. "Excuse me, New Directions! and Trouble Tones singing groups. Mr. Kurt Hummel, I need to see you in my office immediately."

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