f o r t y - e i g h t

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The seven girls had discussed song choices before inviting the women to the auditorium, changing into the outfits fit for the song as all but Mercedes held a chair in their hands. It was a majority choice to do this number, even though Arabella had protested this was not a good song for the situation. Naturally, Marina agreed but they were outruled by Santana and the others. "And now, the six merry murderesses of the Cook County Jail in their rendition of 'The Cell Block Tango.'"

At that, the girls began to perform the number using the dance routine they had hastily choreographed beforehand. This would have been great to use if they weren't supposed to be singing about abuse, which is basically the opposite of Cell Block Tango, as it is sung by women who killed their partners.

During the performance, Marina noticed Coach Beiste looking uncomfortable before leaving the auditorium. Marina looked at Arabella, who already held knowing in her eyes as she looked at the fleeing woman. When they finished, Arabella looked to the five other girls. "I still think we should have done something else."

Marina nodded in agreement but didn't verbally talk as she was walking off stage to grab her bag, slinging her Dalton lacrosse jersey over her head before coming back to the group. Arabella had pulled on a lavender hoodie and moved to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Marina.

Santana looked at Sue and Roz, confused. "What happened to Beiste? Uh, did we do something wrong?" Arabella shook her head to the side in disappointment.

"Well, you completely butchered one of my all-time favourite Kander and Ebb tunes, while completely missing the point of absolutely everything." Sue said to them, arms crossed with her lips pressed into a firm line.

"I told you not to do this number." Arabella repeated, Marina nodding in agreement once more.

"You girls are cray-cray. You were supposed to pick a song that gave women the self-esteem and courage to get the hell out of an abusive situation. But, oh, no. You pick a song about crazy women in their panties killing their men for chewing gum. How is that supposed to help?" Roz asked, sass in her tone.

"Told you we really should not have done this number!" Arabella repeated, even louder this time as Marina nodded more feverishly. The five girls turned to them, disappointed.

"We get it." Santana nodded before the bell rang loudly, the group dispersing.

Jacob Ben Israel was back at it again, shoving his microphone into Marina's face as she walked down the corridors of McKinley high. "What is it, geek?" Marina groaned.

"The jersey. It's a Dalton Academy lacrosse jersey with your name on it. How did you get it?" Marina scoffed at his question.

"My uncle is the headmaster of Dalton, and some of the Warblers pulled some strings to get me one. Arabella too." She simply replied, continuing to walk.

"Is that why there's five boys in Dalton blazers in the parking lot?" He asked. Marina stopped in her tracks, turning to the boy.

"There's what now?" She then got him to move out of her way, the girl rushing to the parking lot. He was right, Sebastian, Thad, Trent, Nick, and Jeff were stood leaning against Thad's car, waiting for Marina to arrive as some stared and whispered.

"You're wearing your jersey." Sebastian noted, grinning to the girl. She twirled, showing it off to its fullest.

"That I am." Before Marina could say anything else, Arabella stood beside her, panic in her eyes.

"Jacob said you'd be here." She told them. "Also wanted a whole interview." Soon enough, the panting boy was in sight.

"Okay," He began, looking at the boys. "Names." He pointed at them one-by-one, each boy saying their name before the boy spoke again. "Who's better in bed- Marina or Arabella?" The group all exchanged looks of surprise before anyone spoke.

"I don't know.... Bella's a blanket hog." Nick murmured, smiling at the girl who rolled her eyes.

"Marina's a hugger." Thad responded. "It's adorable."

Marina chuckled. "You and Sebby literally cling to me, you koala's."

Jacob clicked his tongue. "So, you guys sleep together?" He then paused, "Romantically, I mean."

"Nope. We're gay." Jeff responded, pulling Nick into his side.

"I, too, am gay." Sebastian added.

"I'm aro/ace." Trent told the boy.

"We're not interested." Marina, Arabella, and Thad all said in unison before the seven pushed Jacob away, hopping into the boy's car as he sped away from the school and back to Dalton.

The next day, Marina and Arabella discovered Rachel choked at her NYADA audition. Kurt, however, had nailed it, according to Mercedes and Tina. The seven girls had been called back to the choir room, as Coach Beiste, Sue, and Roz Washington wanted to talk to them once more- more specifically Coach Beiste.

"Girls, I have a confession to make. It's a really hard thing to talk about, but I feel like I owe it to you. I didn't get hit by a punching bag. I got hit by my husband." As soon as the woman had spoken, Arabella was by her side, a comforting and understanding hand on her knee.

"Are you serious?" Tina gasped in concern.

"Did he break his hand?" Brittany asked in total seriousness.

"Are there any other injuries you have?" Marina asked the older woman in concern. She softly shook her head.

"I'm sorry I lied to you about it. But nobody tells you what you're supposed to do when something like this happens. I was shocked, I was ashamed. So, I made excuses for myself, to make it okay. And I heard you girls say that you thought your boyfriends would never do anything to you like that. And a week ago, I would've said exactly the same thing. And I was wrong." The group all had shock and concern in their eyes as the listened to the woman's story.

"But Cooter always seemed like such a nice guy." Santana said softly, confused and surprised.

"Yeah, I always just thought he was a big, smiley doofus." Mercedes agreed with Santana, also confused on why the man would harm his wife.

"He is. Most of the time. But nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors." Coach Beiste agreed with Mercedes, tears in her eyes.

"Are you considering pressing charges?" Tina asked weakly.

Their coach nodded. "Yeah. And more than that, I got out of there, and I moved in with my sister, and that feels really good. But you girls? You not only opened my eyes to this you maybe even saved my life. Thank you." She was now crying to herself as the girls left, leaving Arabella and Marina in the room.

Arabella was comforting the woman whilst Marina grinned. "I know some of the state's attorney's who could help you with that."

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