t w e n t y

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Rachel had called everyone to the auditorium, which had been covered in blue and white artificial trees and artificial snow as the girl sat on a fake rock on the stage, Brad beginning to play the piano as the brunette began to sing. 

As Rachel sang, Marina wasn't the only one who sat there, bored. Marina simply wasn't a fan of Christmas songs. Artie clapped slowly when Rachel finished. "Rachel, could you come see me?"

Rachel nodded, immediately beginning to make her way toward the boy. "Yes, Artie, of course. And if this is about my ears, I know that they're a little naked right now, but that's just because I'm waiting for something special. Something that's really gonna sparkle and, you know, catch the light. So, what's up?"

"It's not about your ears, it's about your song. It makes me want to kill myself." He told her, honesty in his voice.

Rachel moved back, offended. "I'm sorry, Joni Mitchell is not depressing, she's emotional."

"It doesn't fit my vision for our Christmas spectacular." Artie shook his head.

"And what is that exactly?" Rachel's tone sharpened as she placed a hand on her hip.

"We begin in the Swiss Alps, in the village of Gstaad, in the perfectly-appointed living room of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson's chic swank chalet. The tree towering and opulent. The fireplace draped in garlands. The stockings bejewelled. Kurt and Blaine, the perfect hosts have invited their friends to drop in for an evening of Noel Coward-esque banter and fun, happy, cheer-filled songs." Artie explained, moving over to Kurt and Blaine who smiled at his description.

Rachel's voice wavered as she spoke. "Are you telling me I'm not invited to Kurt and Blaine's for Christmas?"

Artie shook his head. "Not unless you pick a happier song. The evening's festivities conclude with Rory, dressed as the Christmas elf Itchy, reciting 'Frosty the Snowman.' Start with fun, end with fun. That's how you do it, kids."

Marina gave Artie a confused look. "But... the Frosty story isn't fun. At the end, he melts and dies." Sam nodded in agreement.

Artie gave Marina a look. "I'm rebooting Frosty. In my version, he doesn't melt. He... Well, new pages forthcoming."

Sam stood. "What's wrong with a story that's a little sad or a song that's a little depressing♪ I mean, that's part of Christmas, too, right? It's the sad things that make you remember what's really important."

Artie shrugged. "Sorry, Sam, but the phrase is 'Merry Christmas,' not 'morose Christmas.' That's the vision. That's what you have to buy into."

"Well, sorry, Artie, I'm not buying into it. I'm gonna go downtown, see if I can ring one of those Salvation Army bells. Come on, Rory. I'll give you a ride." Sam said to Artie, moving from his seat before urging Rory to come with him. The Irish boy only shook his head.

"I should memorize my part, Sam." Rory told him, as Sam left the auditorium.

Rachel and Blaine had an idea for a duet to sing, calling everyone to the choir room.

Marina pulled out her phone, remembering what Sue had told her.



Sue told me she's hosting this Christmas thing at a homeless shelter. Y'all wanna join? The Glee club has this gig for tv and probably won't be bothered to come. Bella's coming.


They won't help the homeless?


Probably not with the gig.


Well, count me in.

The rest of the boys agreed, willing to help with the homeless if the Glee club members won't want to. They agreed to meet Marina and Arabella there on the day it was being held, the group hoping Sue wouldn't mind.

When they were finished, people clapped as Artie spoke. "I bow to you. Gold. Gold! That's what I'm talking about! I see Cheerios behind you, kind of a dancing Santa thing."

"Just as long as they don't upstage us." Rachel said, a joking tone in her voice even though everyone knew she was definitely not joking.

"Yeah, as long as they don't upstage us." Blaine echoed.

"Good." Artie nodded, moving to the centre of the choir room.

Sue entered, smiling. "Look at you do-gooders. Hard at work."

"Coach Sylvester, we're in the middle of rehearsal." Artie muttered.

"Yeah, and I think it's great you're working so hard on your performance. And I'll tell you what. Everyone at the homeless shelter is really looking forward to the show. I just wanted to confirm with you, Artie, that we're on for Friday night." Everyone looked awkward as she spoke. Marina was surprised that everyone was willing to push the homeless aside, yet she wasn't surprised at all.

"Oh, Friday. It's a no-can-do on Friday. We're taping our Christmas special for the Lima PBS." Artie said awkwardly.

"You told me you were in." Sue gave Artie a tight smile.

"This is a huge opportunity for us. Can we just do it another night?" The boy tried to defend himself.

"Homeless will be homeless for a while. That's sort of the problem." Santana said, shrugging.

"I promised them. You don't want to disappoint these kids."

"Hmm, like your behaviour has disappointed us for years? Last Christmas, you cut down our tree, you stole our presents and you made Becky dress up like a reindeer." Artie reminded Sue. Marina and Arabella exchanged looks.

"So, you're gonna walk away from people who have nothing?" Sue shot back at him.

"No, not at all. We're just gonna distract them from their plight and the smell of urine and make them happy with our glamorous Christmas cheer." Rachel grinned.

Marina looked to Rachel, a blank expression on her face as she spoke. "The homeless don't have TVs."

"So, you're all agreed on this?" Everyone looked down, embarrassed except for Marina and Arabella, who stood.

"Actually, the two of us are coming with you." Arabella stated. Sue gave them a small smile.

"I invited some friends of mine." Sue pointed at Marina when she finished speaking, a grin on her lips.

"And that is why I call you Warbler." Sue then looked to Arabella. "You can be Other Warbler." 

• Smooth Criminal • Sebastian Smythe-BOOK ONE✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang