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Before the mash-off, Marina and Arabella placed the finished clothes (that they thanked Sebastian for bagging them) in the choir room before rushing to the auditorium. "Welcome, everyone, to day one of the first annual McKinley High Mash-Off!" Mr. Schue had to pause as people clapped and cheered in excitement. "Okay, a couple of ground rules. Everyone, there will be no heckling of any kind, okay?"

Mercedes moved over to Shelby. "Ms. Corcoran, the Trouble Tones are all fired up." The girl then lowered her voice, making sure nobody else could hear what she said to the woman.

"All right, here we go. Finn will represent the New Directions; Santana, the Trouble Tones for the rock-paper-scissor face-off to see who will perform first, all right? Let's get it going!" Mr. Schue ordered the two to the centre of the stage, the rest of their respective groups behind them.

"Let's do this." Finn said to Santana, before the pair poke in unison. "One, two, three!" Santana picked rock, Finn picking paper.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Rachel screamed in excitement, giving multiple people a high five.

"Okay, paper covers rock. New Directions, take the stage!" Mr. Schue said, making the Trouble Tones run off stage while the New Directions changedinto costume before standing in their starting positions.

"A kiss for the winner." Rachel said to Finn before they started, kissing his cheek.

After the mashup, the Trouble Tones clapped before the members of New Directions rushed off the stage to go and get changed into what they were wearing beforehand. They rushed to the gym, where the presidential debate was going to occur. The candidates were Brittany, Rachel, Kurt, and Rick 'the Stick' Nelson. Even though the pair were only juniors, they wanted to support their fellow Glee club members, as did the majority of Glee club.

"Quiet, please, children. Welcome one and all to McKinley High's senior class presidential debate. Such a magnificent turnout reflects this school's passion for democracy. And also, a reminder: it is against school policy to pass gas into jars to be sold in the cafeteria. And now, our first candidate, Rick "The Stick" Nelson." As Figgins talked, the two girls exchanged looks at his words. People did what in the cafeteria?

As Rick stood to talk, the members of the hockey team cheered. "Stick! Stick! Stick! Stick!"

The red head began his speech. "So, I was talking to my dad, who says that since he pays taxes and stuff, like, for teachers, which pretty much means that we're your boss. So, I think it's time that the teachers started doing what we say. And how about you stop talking in class, Mrs. Janicek? Everything you have to say is boring! Vote Rick the Stick!"

Brittany then stepped up to speak. "Tornadoes are nature's most destructive force. These violent storms have ravaged America, crippling communities all across our land. Isn't it time we take a stand? If you honour me with being your next class president, I will make tornadoes illegal at McKinley, keeping you and your families at our school safe from their murderous rampages. Also, on Tuesdays, uh, I pledge to go topless." Everyone in the gym cheered at her speech, minus the majority of the Glee club.

Kurt was the next one to step up to the microphone. "Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel. Um, the past few weeks, I've tried to address the real problem of obesity at this school. But my opponents chose empty promises and smear tactics. Although she knows it to be untrue, my opponent Brittany stated that my face was used as a template for Hasbro's successful line of My Little Ponies. Well, I refuse to be bullied. In fact, I refuse to let anyone be bullied. Today, I want to take it one step further. I would like to hereby pledge to ban dodgeball at McKinley High. Since its invention in 1831 by Silas W. Mangold, dodgeball has been used as a schoolyard instrument of suppression. It's violent, it's painful, it's humiliating, and I believe that it's an equivalent to modern-day stoning. Let's end dodgeball at McKinley High and send a strong message that violence isn't okay."

After Kurt's factual speech, the first to clap was his father- Burt Hummel. That led everyone to clap happily at Kurt's speech. Then it was Rachel who stood before the microphone. "Hello, I'm Rachel Berry, and I have campaigned for president on a crusade for schoolbook covers, a plan to save the school thousands of dollars." Rachel had to stop as the boys from the hockey team began to catcall.

Mr. Schuester glared at them. "Knock it off!"

The girl continued her speech: "While I still consider this plan an inspired stroke of political genius, I hereby withdraw my candidacy and urge you all to vote for Kurt Hummel. He's the only candidate here today who never went negative. He-He's the one who deserves to be president. That's why I-I'm casting my vote for Kurt Hummel. Vote Hummel, McKinley. Vote for Kurt." Marina and Arabella
gaped at Rachel, before standing and clapping along with everyone else.

The next day, it was time for the Trouble Tones' mash up number. The New Directions were sat on the seats, looking as the girls preformed their number.

At the end, Marina noticed Finn whispering to Rachel- Santana noticed this too. "What did you just say to her?"

Finn stammered, "I said I thought you were great."

"You're lying." Santana insisted.

Rachel shook her head, defending Finn. "No, he literally just said that."

Santana frowned. "Did you tell her, too?"

Mr. Schuester stood, "Santana—"

"Everyone's gonna know now, because of you!" The girl yelled, Mr. Schue sitting down in defeat.

"The whole school already knows, and you know what? They don't care!" Finn stood, shouting back at Santana.

"Not just the school, you idiot... everyone." The girl sighed, stepping closer to Finn.

"What are you talking--?" Finn couldn't finishas Santana slapped him.

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