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Senior Ditch Day with the Warblers was bound to be fun. Blaine agreed to come, the three driving to Dalton to meet with the boys. They were going to hire a private car to take them to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, before travelling to Hocking Hills State Park and spending the night there before getting back in Lima the next morning.

The boys were all in jeans and t-shirts, but Blaine naturally had to include a bow tie. Marina and Arabella both wore shorts and tank tops. When the trio arrived at Dalton, they all got into the car that drove them to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They spent half of the day there, looking at the instruments, costumes, and learning everything about Rock and Roll and who were classed to be in the hall of fame.

When they arrived at the Hocking Hills State Park, the group went through the forest on a bird hunt, before hiking and finally caving. They then spent the night there, hardly sleeping as they watched the stars, sang, and roasted marshmallows on a fire they created.

The next day after school, everyone was at Booty Camp. They were all stretching as Mr. Schue held up his megaphone. "All right, fair warning: in the glorious history of Booty Camp, this will be the toughest! But first, Quinn's got the floor." Mr. Schue moved out of the way as Quinn wheeled herself to where he previously stood.

"I invited a friend to join us. You met him on Valentine's Day." Quinn said, gesturing to Joe who stood beside her.

"Teen Jesus!" Brittany yelled, hands around her mouth to elevate her voice. He waved at her as everyone clapped.

"He's got a killer voice." Quinn stated.

"Okay, all right. Welcome to the New Directions." Mr. Schue said, making everyone clap once more. He walked and stood with the rest of the group, Puck looking to the boy.

"Hey, dude, you have a twig in your hair." Joe gave him a bland look. "No, seriously." Puck insisted.

"Thanks, bro." Joe thanked Puck when he realised, he was serious, taking the stick from his hair. Marina chuckled slightly at the interaction.

"Let's give our undivided attention to Coach Sue." Mr. Schue finished, swapping places with the woman.

"First off, please don't ask me which celebrity is the father of my baby. Please. I will release that information once I've finalized my book and movie deal. Now, it has come to my attention that I have been a tad harsh with some of you. I thought I was being kind. For instance, I said absolutely nothing about the implausible sexual tension between Mercedes and the Kentucky Fried Stripper." Sue said to the group, walking around and looking at them all.

Marina leant closer to Arabella, whispering. "Finally, someone said something about that."

Sue continued. "Or the sorry fact that you wasted untold millions on a laser show for yourselves just so Sandbags could dance with the night school's Polynesian janitor."

"Actually, he was Puerto Rican." Santana corrected.

"Kids, it's in my DNA to be intense, okay, just like it's in Porcelain's DNA to poop rainbow glitter." She said, gesturing to Kurt whose facial expression denied her words.

"Now, I'll admit I-I behaved badly. I also realized something. I am here for two very important reasons. Number one: Mr. Schuester needs at least one adult friend. And number two: I am hoping that the miraculous life growing inside of me can soak up some of your constantly annoying, though admittedly laudable, optimism and decency." Sue stopped, looking down at her stomach with a smile on her face.

"Now, I promise to be nicer if you promise to work your talented little butts off until they hand you that first-place trophy in Chicago. All right, sloppy babies! Let's take it from the top. Five, six, seven, eight!" Everyone grinned and got to work.

Marina danced to the music alongside Arabella until Sue came up to her, telling her to take the floor. "What?" Marina asked, confused.

"Warbler, you said you're a gymnast. Show us."

So, Marina stepped up to the front, showing the group what she could do. "Okay, but y'all may want to move." They all rushed to the sides of the stage as Marina started the music.

The group gasped in shock and amazement as Marina showed off her skills. When she finished, she bowed, grinning at the group. Arabella raced forward, smacking Marina on the arm. "You never told me you could do that!"

"I haven't seen many like that at all." Sue added, looking at Marina in awe. She smiled, thanking them for the compliments.

"Sandbags, Crayons, take Warbler to the gym. She's going to teach you that routine." Sue said to Santana and Brittany, who linked their arms with Marina and dragged her to the gym.

"You're good." Santana nodded in acknowledgement as the trio set up for the practice.

"Sue said I was on the Cheerios for next year." Marina stated as she got in starting position, the girls beside her as she slowly taught them the tricks to the routine.

Brittany eventually stopped, looking to Marina. "Do you really live at Dalton Academy?" She asked.

Marina nodded. "Yeah. I do."

Santana smirked. "Think you could help us sneak in?"

That night, Marina helped Santana and Brittany get into Dalton, the girls wanting Marina to take them to their practice room- the Senior Commons. They got Marina to stand outside as a guard as they released their havoc on the room. Marina didn't know what they came to do but let them do it anyway and snuck them out afterwards.

The next morning, Sebastian called the Warblers to Senior commons he looked to Marina. "Did you do this?" He asked as he let them in, seeing a picture of all of the Warblers, Marina, and Arabella, but everyone had been defaced except for Marina, who had a drawn-on crown.

"No.... I didn't." 

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