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Marina had stayed in Sebastian's dorm the night before, her room not ready for her to sleep in yet. Neither minded, as they only had a platonic friendship. Sebastian had drove her to McKinley, Thad, Nick, and Jeff in the back of the car as Trent volunteered to pick up Marina's car from Scandals.

"So, Sebastian, your Demons was quite a favourite from the other day." Jeff told the driving boy, who nodded in interest. Nick passed Marina his phone, telling her to record it. "Mind giving us a whole cover. The boy chuckled as Marina pressed play, placing the phone on the dashboard of his car.

The group were having fun as they sang, Marina handing Nick his phone back when they had finished. Nick shook his head, telling the girl to leave the phone on the dashboard. "Your turn, Marina." Thad told the girl, who hesitantly looked at the boys.

"Oh, go on!" Nick encouraged her. She rolled her eyes, telling the boys to roll down the windows before starting the medley.

Marinastarted, singing Alexander Hamilton. Sebastian and Thad harmonised thechorus during Alexander Hamilton and Guns and Ships. Nick sang You'llbe Back, Thad sang My Shot, Jeff sang Dear Theodosia, and bythat time they were at McKinley. Not wanting to stop, the four followed Marinaout of the car (Nick with his phone) as they went down the corridors to the choirroom singing Room Where it Happens. Once in the choir room, Marina sang Burnand Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story.

The students that were in the choir room cheered and applauded before Mr. Schue looked at the boys behind Marina in confusion. "Who are they?" Marina turned in confusion but understood where he was coming from. They weren't in their uniforms- Dalton didn't start for another hour. Sebastian wore a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, a pair of clear glasses on the bridge of his nose, Thad wore black joggers and a gray hoodie, Nick had a pair of blue jeans on and a dark green tank top, and Jeff wore a white hoodie and gray shorts that went to his knees.

"Oh, they're the Warblers." She said, making people gasp. She scoffed, "Chill."

"I drove Marina here." Sebastian said.

"We tagged along. I wanted to wish y'all luck on the musical." Nick shrugged, before the boys waved at Marina to go back to Dalton.

Everyone went to the auditorium, preparing and changing for the musical. Both Tina and Marina were rushing around, helping with hair, makeup and adding finishing touches to the costumes. Tina and Marina made their way to Artie, who was talking to Miss Pillsbury.

"Hey, Artie, some of the cast needs to talk to you before we go on." Tina said to the boy, making him look up at Emma.

"See? It's mutiny." Puck stood between the two, beginning to gather everyone else.

"Dude, we have a problem." Puck told Artie, sounding concerned.

"We haven't officially thanked you for everything that you've done for us." Santana handed Artie a bunch of yellow roses before turning to Marina. "Both of you." Santana handed the girl an identical bunch, making the girl smile. Everyone clapped for the two.

"All of us were so nervous, and we didn't know what we were doing, and you were like the lighthouse that led us to the way." Tina grinned. Artie looked up at Tina, face blank.

"But I didn't know what I was doing, either. When you're in a chair, it hard to... ever feel like you've grown up. Everyone's always doing stuff for you, they get freaked out about saying the wrong thing, so... they coddle you. Sometimes it's hard to ever picture a life of being totally self-sufficient. But directing you guys, the way you trusted me, the way you looked at me and listened to me, it was the first time in my life that I ever... felt like a grown man. That's the greatest gift you can give a guy, so... So, thank you guys... for the flowers and for everything." Artie nervously rambled as people smiled and laughed along with the boy.

"Can I say something?" Marina nervously asked, holding the flowers close to her.

"I've been horrible to you all, and none of you have deserved it. I guess I just haven't been ready to move to a new country and it's quite stressful to make all these outfits and do everything. But with some help I've realised that I can do it without treating you all like dirt." Marina admitted. Cheers rained from around her as she grinned.

"All right show circle." Artie stated, making everyone move into a circle, prepared to throw their arms into the air.

Puck stepped forward. "May I, chief?" Artie smiled. "Let's kick some ass!" Everyone threw their arms into the air, cheering loudly. Everyone ran onto the stage save for Emma, Marina, and Artie, who went into the audience. Emma sat beside Will, Artie sat at the back so that he had a perfect view and Marina sat next to Sebastian at the reserved space for the Warblers.

Puck had a terrible Spanish accent, as did Tina and Rory, Marina noticed. Santana's accent, however, was perfect.

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