f i f t y - f o u r

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Sebastian groaned, looking at his phone. Marina shot up, concerned. "What? What was it?" The boy laughed, calming the girl down.

"Impromptu lacrosse." He muttered. Marina sighed. "Go see Jeff or Trent if you'll be that bored without me." He chuckled.

"Knowing Bella, she'll be there too." Marina finished as she jumped up, waving at her best friend before rushing to find the trio.

When she found them, they were calmly playing Monopoly, chatting amongst themselves as they did so. Marina leaned over, grinning at the group. "I wanna play." She shoved herself between Jeff and Arabella, grabbing a playing piece and the money you started with.

By the end of their game of Monopoly, it was not calm. Marina had managed to steal all the money from the three, causing a mock argument between her and Trent. That led to Jeff flipping the board and telling them to calm down before Arabella dove to collect all of the scattered playing pieces.

"We should just go shopping." Trent suggested, which had been one hell of a bad idea.

As all four could be classed as 'rich kids', a lot of money was spent on clothing, fabric, shoes, accessories, and the most important (in Trent's opinion) makeup.

The next day, everyone was in the choir room as Sue smirked. "Since Porcelain refuses to be a team player and dress up like a lady, we're gonna have to up our prop game. I've ordered 18 little people, one for each of you."

Mr. Schue leaned forward, startled. "Wait. Little people?"

Sue waved him off. "Munchkins. I found 'em online, William. And don't worry, I got a mix of race and ethnicities so you can keep up with your little diversity charade." Everyone looked horrified.

Quinn had an expression of dread on her face. "I can't dance with a little person. I can hardly walk."

"There's that can don't attitude, Quinn." Sue said, looking at the girl before looking away.

"Sue, I think maybe we are going a little too far with the props. Let's just spend some time working on choreography for 'Dashboard.'" Mr. Schue stood as Sue shook her head.

"Sure, if you want to lose." At her words, Puck walked in wearing a blue dress and a blonde wig.

"Puck?" Mr. Schue asked, confused, and shocked.

"Hello...." Sugar muttered.

"My eyes are burning." Mercedes added, wincing away.

"Please, someone get me the bleach." Marina ordered, half-jokingly, mostly horrified.

"Look at those legs." Somebody muttered in horror.

"I am strangely turned on right now." Santana raised an eyebrow as she looked at Puck, her arms crossed.

"Please only address me by my stage name Lola." Puck said to the group.

"Puckerman, I respect your commitment to winning, but without a doubt, you are the ugliest woman I have ever seen. For a second there, I thought you were Beiste's sister." Sue said to the boy, looking at him in distaste.

"It's not about being pretty. It's about someone in here having the balls to do what he has to do to put us over the top." Puck stated.

"Well, you know, if this is gonna work, you're gonna have to shave off all of your body hair." Sue stated, grimacing at Puck's body hair.

Mr. Schue stood, moving over to Sue and Puck. "Enough! Sue, look, I really appreciate all the help you've been giving us, but I am done with all this props madness. All we're doing for the next three hours is learning choreography for 'Dashboard.' Puck, go change."

"You cannot see something like that." Artie stated, getting scattered nods from the group.

Puck pulled off the blonde wig. "William, I'm oddly aroused by your sudden forcefulness, and I will let you handle this rehearsal; however, I feel it necessary to warn you: I prepaid for the little people." Sue stated as Puck left.

The next three hours were spent learning the choreography, and by the end Marina's legs were killing- everyone's everything was killing. Marina groaned as she and Arabella sat in the back of Nick's car, Jeff in the passenger seat as he told them how excited he was that they would soon be going to Nationals.

"Will you lot be there?" Arabella asked curiously as they began the drive back to Dalton.

Nick shrugged unsurely. "I don't know.... Sebastian, Thad, and I have a lot of lacrosse games, Jeff would get lost if he went to Chicago alone, and Trent's way too busy on all of his exams." He lied smoothly, not letting either girls notice his lie.

Jeff nodded sadly. "I've got lost in Chicago many times." It was only once, but the boys wanted their arrival in Chicago to watch them at Nationals to be a secret.

Marina nodded, as did Arabella. "That's okay," Marina smiled, a slight falter in her voice, "We'll show you the recordings."

That night, Marina and Arabella spent their time packing for Chicago, the boys helping the girls to choose what they needed to take. They placed everything in Thad's car, including the outfits for Nationals. They were all having a movie night in Marina's dorm, watching a range of movies.

Marina turned to Sebastian, pouting. "I can't believe you're not coming to Chicago." Sebastian chuckled from where he lay between Thad and Marina, both clinging onto the boy for warmth.

"I know, Reenie. I wish we could make it." Sebastian responded with a lie, a pout also on his face.

The next day, the group all piled into Thad's car, driving to McKinley. There was a bus that was going to take them all to Chicago, some other Glee club members already there placing their luggage into the underside of the bus. With fourteen careful hands and a lot of freaking out, they managed to get their luggage and the outfits for Nationals into the bus, the group being do careful nothing touched the outfits. You can't go to Nationals with creased outfits.

"Let's go to Nationals!"

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