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Out in the McKinley parking lot, Marina was standing beside Arabella, telling the girl their ride would be there soon enough. "Hiya, Reenie." Sebastian suddenly appeared in his Dalton uniform, wrapping his arm around Marina's shoulders as she turned to him.

"Hey, Sebby." Arabella looked at the pair, a smile on her face.

"Are you two dating?" The pair turned to the shorter girl, horrified looks on their faces.

"I'm gay." Sebastian told her.

"I'm not interested." Marina finished, getting a nod from Arabella.

"Hey, I told you not to run ahead!" A voice shouted to Sebastian as Thad, Nick, Jeff, and Trent appeared, Nick and Jeff not-so-subtly holding hands. Marina looked at them, an eyebrow raised in questioning. Nick only pulled Jeff closer, the latter pressing a kiss to the other boy's cheek.

"You're Arabella, right?" Thad clarified to the dirty blonde, getting a nod from her. "I'm Thad, he's Sebastian, that's Trent, and those two lovebirds are Nick and Jeff.

Arabella looked at Marina in confusion. "Why have five boys from Dalton academy of all places come to pick us up?"

Marina smiled. "Well, my dad's mum's brother is Edward Dalton, Headmaster of Dalton academy." She explained as they began to walk to Thad's seven-seater car.

"So, you're Uncle Bobby?" Sebastian curiously asked the girl.

"Is my dad's brother." Marina clarified, before realising something. "I don't know anything about your families." The group now sat in the car as Sebastian spoke first.

"Well, I'm an only child and my Mom's a state attorney. I don't know my Dad." Sebastian shrugged.

"I have two little sisters, one called Jasmine and the other Julia, and a younger brother called Justin. Before Dalton, I lived with both of my parents." Jeff then told her, a fond smile on his face as he talked about his family.

"I lived with my grandparents most of my life." Nick admitted, "My parents have always been busy overseas or on the other side of the country."

"I lived with my mom and dad." Trent smiled, "And our cat, Opal."

"I lived with my dad." Thad told them, "He's also a state attorney."

"I live with my Dad and Step-mom." Arabella said, "And my little brother. His name's Michael."

"What about your parents?" Nick softly asked Marina, "We only know about your uncles."

Marina scoffed. "I was in private school all my life because they weren't bothered with me. It's one of the reasons why I packed up and came here within a day of the offer." Some of the boys held sympathy in their eyes, confusing Marina. "I don't know why you think I need your sympathy. I've never known them anyway."

Arabella cleared her throat. "Why don't we sing something?" She got nods from everyone in the group, "I know just the song."  The girl managed to find something she wanted onher phone, telling the group they'd know the lyrics, the instrumental provided.

The group had fun as they sang, alternating between lines and songs. They continued to do that until they got to Dalton, Marina guiding Arabella to her dorm before kicking the boys out, telling them it was Glee club related. They left without complain, telling her the Warblers were practicing for their sectionals too.

Marina had pulled out the fabrics Rachel chose, Arabella grabbing her notes. There was a knock on the door, the brunette opening it to see her uncle. "Did you know we have a sewing room?" He asked her, seeing the shocked look on her face. "Get your stuff." Marina and Arabella picked up the fabric and the notes, following the girl's uncle down a set of stairs that led into an open room, mannequins, fabric, patterns, and sewing machines all around the room.

"Have fun." Edward told them before leaving, the girls sitting at two stools, sewing machines in front of them.

Arabella looked down at her notes. "I have everyone's sizes here." She passed them to Marina, the pair beginning to create the outfits for sectionals. Occasionally, the two would have to shout to the other for help, saying that they needed more thread, they needed more fabric, or they needed the other to hold something in place.

Sebastian Smythe went to the sewing room at midnight, wondering if the two girls were asleep yet. Instead, when he entered the room, he saw the two girls wide awake, pressing finishing touches to the collection of outfits- spares included. He chuckled, making the two girls look to him.

"Sebby?" Marina asked, a yawn coming from her lips as she spoke. He moved forward, taking the clothes from both of the girls, and putting it with the other completed outfits.

"It's past midnight, girls. Come on, let's get you to bed. He leaned down, telling Arabella to climb onto his back before picking Marina up in his arms. He made his way back up the stairs towards Marina's dorm, opening the door with his leg before placing Marina down on her bed, turning to let Arabella slip back onto the bed as well. He wished them goodnight, closing the door as he left to go back down to the sewing room.

Sebastian picked up the outfits one by one, looking at the labels on each outfit. Sebastian picked up each outfit, placing them in a clear costume bag so that the names can still be read. He then placed them on hangers, putting them all on one clothes rack before putting everything else away, turning the lights off before taking himself to bed.

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