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These past few weeks have been absolute hell. The last time we chatted it was the first day of thanksgiving break and now it's the first day of Christmas break.

The house has been filled with athletes for weeks. It's a tradition that some of the guys have, they spend as much time during breaks together as possible and basically study sports.

I honestly don't know how else to describe it, they run plays all over the house, the backyard, the front yard, in the halls. Also for some reason this year we had three weeks in between thanksgiving and Christmas break instead of four.

School has been pretty crazy but also amazing. Student council is getting really involved with issues among the student body and we have received a lot of positive reinforcement. It's recruitment season so I don't have a job at the moment which is annoying. I'm having to spend every second that I'm not prepping or having meetings with these buffoons.

"Later Soph." Nate, one of the lacrosse players, says as he heads to the door.

"Later, and thanks for helping me clean up." I say as I follow him.

"No problem." He says with a smile and a pat on my head. I wait till his carpool drives off to close the door.

I start cleaning up the house, they left almost everything a mess. Pillows are on the floor, there's food wrappers everywhere, hooligans. As soon as I finish the dishes, which my brothers always neglect when there friends come over, the front door opens. I go to greet the person thinking it's my dad when I'm met with an ugly sight.

"What the hell happened to your face?" I ask Dayton while he balances a phone between his ear and shoulder.

"Hey um, I'll call you later. Yeah, yeah that's fine, tell him it wasn't too much trouble." He says and then hangs up.

"What's that smell?" He asks with a smile and walks past me.

"It's lasagna, I made some cause the guys came over - that's not important what happened to your face?"

The first thing I noticed was his eye, it was red and already swelling along with what looked like a cut right underneath his lower lashes. Next there's the jaw, its got a clean cut and some light bruising, which is sure to start turning green and purple in the next few days. Lastly his lips, the top is fine but his bottom one is busted and covered in dry blood.

He looks like shit, but I bet what I can't see under his clothes is even worse.

"Go sit in my room." I say looking at the counter

"But I'm hungry." He whines

"I'll bring it upstairs, it needs to be warmed up and I have to find the first aid kit anyway." I mumble to myself still not meeting his eyes.

He walks around the counter to stand beside me and gives me a kiss on the crown of my head. His hand is on my cheek and his face in my hair, I feel warm.

"Thank you." he whispers and let's me go, heading to my room.

God, I'm cold again, just like that.

I toss a piece of lasagna in the oven and go to find the first aid kit. By the time I make it back to the kitchen the lasagna is done. I make my way upstairs and into my room.

"It's ready." I say as I place the plate on my desk and walk to the bathroom.

"It's so good." Dayton hums with a mouth full of food.

"Stop talking with your mouth full, it's bad manners." I say laughing softly and he responds with a yes ma'am.

Once he finishes I have him come into the bathroom where everything is set up. I have him sit on the side of the bathtub as I clean up his face.

This couldn't get any worseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя