Mrs. Vance

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Soooooo, This is awkward. I may or may not be sitting on a hospital bed. hehe.

I guess you need some context.

Flashback(the night before)

I haven't stopped throwing up for almost an hour now, Max got super worried and called his mom upstairs. Trust me, I would've strangled him before he could finish, but I'm kind of stuck with my head in a toilet. It's honestly horrible, after I stopped dry heaving my stomach somehow found more food to throw up.

As of now I'm laying on a blow up mattress in the middle of the bathroom. I've got a heater blowing on me and a toilet mocking me, just great. Max's mom is also on the phone with my mom, isn't that lovely.

She says she wants to talk to me. No way is that happening, I already feel like sh*t, I don't need to be spoken to like I'm stupid. At least I didn't go to Jason's place. She knows Max's mom would never let anything happen to me.

Mary is a nurse so she's been taking pretty good care of me. I have been getting sick pretty frequently and it's never short lived. She's worried something's wrong so she wants me to go to the doctor tomorrow.

(End of flashback)

Long story short the doctor asked me a bunch of questions and then said, " The ER is calling your name sister."

She said my symptoms were just weird. As my pediatrician she knows all of my medical history, including everything related to the accident. She starts to ask if I think it could be related to any PTSD, but I shush her subtly. I haven't been diagnosed, so I don't need her worrying anyone, but Max and Mary don't know anything about the accident, and I want it to stay that way for as long as possible.

Yes, instead of bringing my birth mom I brought my second mom, Mary, and her son, Max. I don't need to see mom right now.

So here I am in a hospital gown after having X-rays and the whole nine yards. For some reason the doctor needed to put a camera in my stomach so they put me on some stuff. Lemme tell you, it's wearing off and I feel like I just got ran over by a train filled with dog sh*t.

When I checked in the nurses recognized me and put me with "my" doctor. He's not really my doctor, he was the doctor I had after...everything.

When he comes in he has a clipboard in his hands. He sits on the stool next to my bed and checks all of my vitals, gosh his hands are cold. "I thought I told you last time that I didn't want to see you in here again," he jokes.

He asks if I've been having any other issues and if my brothers are ok. I tell him no and that if they don't leave me alone they won't be. He laughs but then gets serious. Great.

"So Sophronia you don't have any ulcers. All of your tests came back and you're in tip top shape, besides the slight inflammation of your throat." He looks up at me. "With how much you've been throwing up that is to be expected, but the most I can do for you at the moment is prescribe some painkillers." He runs a hand over his face before tapping his pen on the clipboard sighing.

"We want to have you talk with Dr. Sanchez." I sigh and close my eyes at the name. Doctor Sanchez was my therapist. If my mom would've let me continue to see a therapist I would've been with her.

"That's fine. It'd actually be really nice to talk to her." He smiles at me.

"Great then let's get going. She's finishing up with her last appointment right now." He tells Max to grab me a wheelchair, but I tell him I'm fine. Dr. Maire, my doctor, sends me a look before finally agreeing.

We walk out in the hall chatting, just as we reach the office the door swings opens. I walk over to the nurses station, once I get there I start talking to some of the nurses that I had all those months ago. They congratulate me on my recovery and say they missed my loud voice.

In the middle of my conversation I hear someone call my name. As soon as I turn around I see Dr. Sanchez, Wesley, and his mom. I feel the color drain from my face at the sight of Mrs. Vance.

She starts walking towards me and I have to choke down the word vomit that is scratching at my throat. I haven't seen her since...the funeral. As she gets closer I reach my arm out and tell her to stop, she doesn't.

She's smiling-beaming- like she just found her long lost daughter. I don't want her anywhere near me. I can't handle this, not right now.

I quickly maneuver over to Mary and grab her arm. "Please just make her stop." I plead, ready to break down. I hear her footsteps getting closer, but then they stop. I look over and see Dr. Maire talking to Mrs. Vance, she looks over at me pissed all of a sudden.

"Your the one who's traumatized?" She asks sourly. "My son was a mess for months. He couldn't eat or sleep, he wouldn't talk to me or his sister. Whenever you, Nate, or Samantha were brought up he would go into a fit of rage. So don't try to play the victim here. And I was so happy to see you too." She spits

You know what, I'm done playing the defenseless little b*tch everybody can just walk all over. She is delusional if she thinks he was the only one hurt.

"You mean the son that left me? The one who, while I was in a comma, decided I was too much of a burden? Some son you raised. He sure knows how to treat a lady."

She looks back and fourth between Wesley and I, apparently this was news to her. At this point I don't even care what Mary and Max know.

"And you wanna talk about trauma? Try having nightmares every night for months. Throwing up any time you ate. Hallucinating. Could you imagine seeing one of your closest friends cooking in your kitchen, but then you realize they've been dead for three months."

Apparently his mom forgot how to speak because all she's doing is moving her mouth like a damn fish.

"Cat got your fu**ing tongue?"

She doesn't know the half of what I've been through.

"How about feeling like a failure. Knowing that if you had just said no you would probably still have your best friends with you, not to mention the love of your life. Speaking of love, how about staying up late at night just waiting to see that name on your phone, took me months to get over that. I doubt you even know what kind of pain I'm talking about." I say the last part with tears in my eyes looking at Wesley. When I finally look over at his mom she's staring at me shocked.

"I should've never gotten in that stupid car." Now the tears are falling but I don't care. These tears aren't for him. These tears are for Bella. I go to say something to Wesley but I can't. She would've loved you, so much. I want to tell him so bad, but I can't. "There is no doubt in my mind that Wesley was deeply impacted because of the accident, but you have no right to invalidate my trauma."

I can't let him hurt the way I hurt.
Wesley was at one point the person I thought I was gonna die loving. I can't cause him that kind of pain without hurting myself.

This really was the perfect day to come see Dr. Sanchez.

Hey heyyyy
Lemme know who you think Bella is.
Also what do you think about Wesleys mom?

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