Mister man

28 2 6

It's been about four weeks since school started. Lemme tell you, that mess is already stressing me out. There's also a lot going on at my house right now.

It's currently Friday. Dayton and his family are moving in. Yeah I know. They were supposed to be staying for a while. Actually DAYTON was supposed to be staying for a while. Come on he's enough for me to have to deal with, but now I have to act civilized. Oh and when's moving day. Today mmhmm. Or actually more like right now.

Right now I'm taking Landon, Dayton's little brother, to his new room. He's carrying a small blue suitcase with his clothes and shoes inside. I'm carrying his toys and a lamp that were boxed up.

Since we're here, I guess I'll give y'all a little tour of the bedrooms. I promise it be long. I don't wanna blab on about ten bedrooms. First we'll start downstairs. If you come through the front door and walk past the kitchen and living room you'll find a hall to your right with a few bedrooms. This is where my parents sleep along with Dayton's mom. My parents room is the farthest from the entry way and Fiona(Dayton's mom) is the closest.

Now onto the bedrooms upstairs. If you make a left at the top of the stairs you'll find the side of the hall where Landon, Karson(Dayton's little sister), Benji, Frankie, and I stay. Benji and Frankie share a room while Landon, Karson, and I all have our own rooms. My room is right across the way from Karson and Landon's. On the opposite end is where River, Auggie, Luke, Beck, Anderr, and Dayton stay. Beck and Auggie share a room since they're twins. River, Auggie, and Anderr all have their own rooms. 

Dayton's room is at the very end of that hall. So thankfully he will have no reason to come and bother me.

After a few hours everything is done and organized. Karson and Landon helped me unpack and put away stuff in both of their rooms. They really are nothing like me and my brothers. I couldn't imagine more than two of us doing something together without starting a fight.

As the three of us walk out of Karson's room we spot Dayton. I stay still, my feet almost glued to the ground, while his siblings go running and squealing towards him. Sure he's sweet with kids, but that doesn't change the fact that he's an asshat. As soon as he looks up in my direction, I book it to my room. I am not about to have a conversation with him after what happened the last time we saw each other.


"Was that whole confession of your feelings fake? Cause I know good and well mine weren't."

End of flashback

Did I really have to bring that up. I know I was pissed but come on. Now all I can think about are those two sentences.

At 7:15 mom calls us all down for dinner. I tell Karson and Landon which results in me holding one in my arms while the other holds my hand. When we get downstairs everyone is looking at us. I put Landon down and let go of Karson's hand after I tell them to go sit with Dayton. Karson climbs onto his lap while Landon sits in the chair next to him.

"Why are y'all staring," I ask

"Nothing, just didn't think you liked kids," River replies.

"How could I not love these two," I say while I reach over the table and pinch their cheeks, causing them to giggle. "Now let's eat."

After dinner I run Karson's bath so her mom doesn't have to wait forever before putting her in. I walk out and close the door after I turn the heater on.  With nothing else to do I text the girls.

Me- what are y'all doing tomorrow

Grace- nothing

Liv- nothin. Why?

Dianne- WE are going to a party.

Me- who's we and how did they convince you to go?

Dianne- we as in the four people texting right now dummy. It's the first party of the year, we didn't go last year so I just feel like we should this year.

Liv- I'm down

Grace- me too

Me- fine, I'm in

Liv- k so how bout we all go get ready at Soph's house.

Me- wait what whyyyyyy

Liv- cause you have the most space

Me- whatever

Liv- great so I'll swing by Grace's place and grab her on the way to your place. Do you need a ride Dianne?

Dianne- nahh my car should be out of the shop by tomorrow morning

Grace- great everything's all set, imma head to bed. Goodnight love y'all

Liv- Gn❤️

Me- night y'all

Diane- goodnight love you too

With that I turn my phone off and get in bed. As soon as my head touches the pillows I'm out.

Are you fracking kidding me man. I'm back on the stool. In the same kitchen. But it's different. I'm not facing the sink and I can't see the women. It's dark too. This time I can move around. I get off of the stool and walk around. At first I thought this was a house but I see it's more like a penthouse. I walk around and see some bedrooms and a staircase. I make my way to the top and once I get there I hear voices. It sounds like a man is yelling. Immediately I run to a bathroom hop in the tub and pull myself into a ball, making sure to cover my ears and head.

I hear something break and then someone is coming towards the bathroom. The door opens and closes and then I hear crying. Soft sobs become the only noise in the house. I look out and see the women. She must hear me moving because she looks over in my direction. She comes over and sits beside the tub. She looks at me and rubs my head.

Out of nowhere someone starts banging on the door. It's aggressive and non stop. I don't notice until the women is holding and shushing me. But I'm crying. Balling my eyes out. I look up at her...then there's black.

4:30 am(time skip)
I wake up with something heavy on my back. Did I leave my backpack in bed? I turn over and feel it roll off of me.

Now I'm laying on my side looking at a beautifully sculpted back. I raise my hand and place it on their shoulder blade. Their skin is warm. They start to move around. Just as I snatch my hand back they grab it. They don't stop there. Holding my hand tight they pull me onto their chest and place there hand on the back of my head.

Now my head is laying flat on their chest with my hand still tightly held by theirs. Lemme tell you, dude be hitting the gym. He begins to rub the back of my head with his free hand. I don't know why I did it, because I already knew who I was gonna see, but I looked up and stared into his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he says staring right back at me "you were right I should've stayed with you." I lay my head back on his chest and squeeze him tight. He kisses my head and tells me to get some sleep.

Not even five minutes later he's out like a light. While I wait for sleep to overcome me I stare at his face. Still as adorable as ever.

What are we gonna do if my mom finds us? Screw that. What is HE gonna do if my dad us?

Did I just give a hint😱
Maybe I did😏
Anyways hope you enjoyed, comment who you think mister man is, and

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