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Today was a lot, but this week is gonna be even more hectic. Wednesday I have a therapy appointment, and Thursday I have a meeting for student government. Friday I'm going over to Wesley's place, and Saturday I'm having dinner with that lady my mom wanted me to meet. This should be fun.

There's a knock on my door, "come in."

"Hey," Dayton says as he shuffles into my room.

"What's up," I ask, propping up on my elbow

"Just wanted to make sure everything was good after that whole thing downstairs."

"Yeah, at least I think it is. I mean I feel way better about it, but now I have to deal with something that I've seriously been putting off."

"Wanna talk about it?" He comes and flops down beside me on the bed

"Not really."

"Then let's talk about something else. I heard the meat in the school cafeteria is cat." He says making me laugh as I shove his shoulder

"Who's your source?"

"It's a need-to-know basis, but trust me my source is topnotch."

"Whatever you say."

We talk for about an hour before Dayton says that there's a movie he's been wanting to watch. He leaves and comes back carrying his laptop and a mini projector. He sets it up on my nightstand so that the movie projects onto the ceiling. As the movie starts he gives me the little bit of background info he has, he's looking at the ceiling as I watch him explain animatedly. I really do think I could do this for the rest of my life and never get tired. Wait, what?! Now is not the time brain. I try to focus back in on what he's saying, but fail utterly as I find my eyes continually falling to his lips.

"Are you even listening?" He turns his head to face me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"He wants me to go see his mom," I blurt accidentally. His eyes widen slightly as he stares into mine, evidently understanding that I'm talking about Wes. Even though our relationship has been messy, right now, laying down and watching this movie with him, is probably the best thing I've done in weeks.

"Are you gonna go?" He asks now turning onto his side

"I don't know," I whisper as he reaches over to smooth my hair down. He keeps doing it and I feel like he is trying to distract himself, like he can't stand to look at me. "Are you gonna look at me, Dayton?"

"I don't know." He mumbles. I reach up and grab his forearm before I intertwine our fingers.

"Why won't you look at me?"

"Because I don't like the way your eyes look when we talk about him like this."

"What do you mean?" I ask as he rolls onto his back and sighs, staring at the ceiling

"You get this look, like the one you had when you were in the hospital. You would talk about him and say that you knew he was coming back, and you would look like he was this amazing guy who you would always end up loving."

"Dayton, you know Wes was a big part of my life, but there are other people who are much more important to me." I give his hand a gentle squeeze before he finally meets my eyes.

"And where do Max and I stand in that equation?"

"What?" Why can't we just talk about us. Max has nothing to do with me and Dayton.

"What are you and Max?"

"Friends," he lets out a quiet sigh.

"Then what are we?"

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