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Wesley POV
(This is a flashback)

Did she just say love confession. Dayton confessed his feelings to my girl. You've gotta be kidding, he actually thought he had a shot with her. But that's not the issue at hand. Right now I'm standing in a kitchen with about 35 guys who look like they wanna kill me. I hear a door slam and then all hell breaks loose. 

Half of them are on me and the rest are on Dayton.

"You messed with the wrong girl, idiot" one spits at me.

"Guys it was years ago, that's why I came back, to apologize." I lied straight through my teeth I didn't even know who's house this was, but I did need to talk to her.

"You really are a prick huh, the one year anniversary is in a month. You're disgusting. You know she was gonna tell you that she w-"

"That's none of his business. Not anymore." Luke says ready to bash my face in. I guess they're just gonna tell us to lea—. I guessed wrong. Auggie was the one who threw the first punch. Of all people, I have to get my ass kicked by him. That dude is huge, always has been. Might as well kiss my life good bye now. I lay on the ground waiting for my beating, but nothing comes.

"Get out of my sight," Auggie says then spits on me. I slowly get up to leave when I see an untouched Dayton, smirking out of the corner of my eye. It sends me over the edge. Out of pure rage, I jump him, right in front of the kitchen counter. I'm on top of him trying to get face shots, but he's guarding with his forearms. Instead I go for a side jab which causes him to release his arms and I punch him dead in the nose. I don't stop. If those football junkies hadn't pulled me off of him I probably would've killed him.

Now I'm the one smirking at the sight of blood running down his face. Now he feels it too and lunges at me. He tackles me but we fall into a vase breaking it. I don't even care that the glass is cutting me. I'm not letting this wuss beat me. Once again we are pulled apart. Enraged he holds onto the blinds ripping them. As a product of trying to get back at me.

Now Soph's house is a mess and she's upset because of me. Great job Wes, great job. I look at Dayton and breath heavily, before walking past him and out the door.

"Don't call me or drop by again, got it." I say, turning around to look at him.

"As if," but he and I both know what he's really thinking, those eyes say everything.

Dayton's POV

Her brothers are now shoving me out of the house and making phone calls. I guess I gotta catch an Uber. As I'm waiting for my car I see a black BMW pull up to the driveway. Out jumps some random blonde. She glances in my direction, frowns in confusion, and then runs over to the guys. Next thing I know she's turned to me giving me the finger and dashing into the house.

Great now some chick I don't even know hates me.

Liv's POV

I wake up at 7:30 again. This is my routine. Any earlier and I look like a ghost who has no eyebrows. Any later I look like a fashion guru who has no eyebrows.

I put on my makeup and pull on my favorite pair of jeans and a white crop to with flowy sleeves. I swipe on one last coat of lipstick and mascara and head downstairs for breakfast. My little sister Liza is already at the table when I get there. I say good morning and grab a yogurt.

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