I can't sleep

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Dayton POV(flashback to the night Dayton slept in Soph's room)
"You have to go to bed Kars." I say and she giggles

"Okay, but only if you make me pancakes tomorrow."

"You got it dude." I give her a hug and a kiss. As I'm closing the door to her room, I hear strange sounds. It's coming from Soph's room. I knock and ask if she's okay, but get nothing in response. Worried, I rush into her room.

There she is asleep, but definitely not peaceful.
She's making a soft sound. Almost like she's whimpering. I sit on the edge of her bed and watch her. I reach out my hand to wake her. As soon as my hand touches her shoulder she jolts up.

She looks around the room panting. Then her eyes land on me.

"What are you doing here?" She says after taking a deep breath.

"I had to put Kars and Landon to bed."

"No, I mean what are you doing in my room, idiot."

There's a slight pause before I answer.

"You were having a nightmare..."

"No shit." She says harshly

"Look I know we aren't on the best terms, but I was worried." She scoffs, but I continue.
"I haven't been around...but the doctors said..." I stop mid-sentence

"The doctor said what Dayton?" She makes sure to give me a hard look.
"That I'm gonna be traumatized and have nightmares for months. Already had that remember."

Of course I remember.

"They kinda just...went away with time. You saw how bad they got. I promise you would've known if I was having one of those."

"So what was that dream all about." She looks down at her hands.
"Come one Soph, by now I've heard everything." She finally looks me in the eyes.

"I've been having the same weird dream for a while, but tonight it was different." She explains the whole story to me. By this point she's just as confused as me. I mean who is this lady? What penthouse? Soph has lived here since like...always.

"I've asked mom to take me to a physiatrist, but she refuses. I just don't understand why she's so against it. And anytime the accident comes up she completely shuts down the conversation.  I want to get better and learn how to deal with my trauma...not let it run me."

"Maybe she thinks you're already dealing with it just fine. I mean it was a little while ago, so maybe she thinks you've left that part of your life behind." I say playing with my fingers. I wish I could be like her mom.

"I know it's just....it gets a little easier with time, but the thing is, it will always be there." She says touching her hair for the 100th time.

"Your gonna go bald." She looks at me confused. "If you keep doing that to your hair your gonna go bald. It's like some nervous tick you have. Whenever you have to talk about feelings...or the past, you get uncomfortable."

"Yea cause you wouldn't. Last time I checked you're the one who walked out on our 'intervention'." She says making air quotes.

"I left because all we were doing was fighting." I mumble.

"Still doesn't explain why you never texted me." She says bitterly.

"You know I'm not the only person who could've reached out. If you really wanted me back you would've called. I didn't—I don't wanna be the one always chasing after you." Complete silence. That's another thing she does all the time. Whenever she is obviously wrong she just shuts up. It's hilarious yet annoying at the same time.

"I'm sorry."

"It's whatever. You should really get some sleep."


"Don't worry I'm not leaving. I'm just gonna sit in here till you fall asleep." I tell her goodnight as she settles back into her sheets.

Half an hour later

" I can't sleep." I look up from my phone and see Soph staring at me.

"Well maybe you should close your eyes and stop staring." I say rolling my eyes, looking back at my screen.

"Dayton you know you don't have to be such an ass." She says flopping back down on her pillow. I apologize and tell her it was supposed to be a joke. "Well it wasn't funny."

I get up and walk over to her bed. "I'm really sorry Soph." She keeps her back turned to me.
I sit on her bed. "Come on."


I swear she's so hard headed. I pull back the sheets and crawl under them. We are nowhere near each other, but I can visibly see her back tense.

I lay on my back and tuck my hands under the back of my head. I feel her shuffle. Then there's a slight weight placed on my shoulder. I look down to see Soph nuzzled into my right side.
I move so my right arm is wrapped around her back and she snuggles closer to me.

"Why is this so different?" She asks me.

"What are you talking about."

"When we were younger we used to sleep together and cuddle all the time."

"Well yea we were little kids. We even took baths together." I laugh at the memory.

"I know, don't remind me." She says covering her face in an attempt to hide her blush.
"But...it's just not the same. The way...the mood just seems different."

"Sounds like you've got me all figured out."

"As if. You're about as difficult as they come."

"That didn't seem to bother Grace." She shoots up and stares me in the eyes.

"What did you just say."

"I heard she was talking all about me on the first day of school. And it is pretty amazing being this fine. As she put it." I brag smirking.

"You're still the same little DayDay." She says smiling and laying back down on me.

"I wish that was true." I whisper, but she hears it. She looks up at me confused.
"No ones called me that in a long time, you know." I say trying to deflect any further questioning. Thankfully it worked.

"Well I've always been the only one allowed to call you that." She says. I laugh. I can practically hear the pout in her voice.

"Still are."

She sighs
"I hopes it always stays that way."

"Me too." I say and rub her arm.

Then we're asleep.

Hi hi
What do y'all think about Dayton and Soph's relationship.
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