Oh, Shut Up

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The ride to the restaurant goes by fast and I start to get excited as I see the familiar rustic-chic, but quaint, breakfast spot. As soon as we pull into a parking space I jump out of the car and run straight into the building.

Right there waiting at the door is Matt, and lemme tell you he is in no way lacking in the looks department. Ladies and gents if you're looking for a fine man who can cook like there is no tomorrow let me introduce you to Matt Williams.

I run up to him and give him a big hug while the rest of my party files though the door.

"It's been a while, ay." He says with a smile. Also did I forget to mention that he's Canadian, I honestly think that fact alone just made him ten times more lovable.

"Matty," Beck says as he rips me from Matt's arms and flings me to the side. "What's up?"

They do their little bro hug thingy-ma-bob and then start walking towards what I assume is our table.

"Hey," I say as I run up on Matt's other side, "you don't get to hog the food genius, you see him all the time."

"Well who's the one who called?" He asks sticking his tongue out

"I will rip that tongue out of your mouth." I threaten as he quickly snatches it back between his lips. "And I would've called, but I know he can't say no to you."

"Aww don't pout, I love you both equally." Matt says to me

"That's a flat out lie," I say narrowing my eyes at him. "I thought chefs didn't lie Mathew."

He chuckles before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and looking over at Beck.

"What are we gonna do with her?"

"Hopefully feed me, I'm starving." I mumble and he laughs again

"Well your table is right here, I gotta take care of everything in the kitchen so I won't be taking your order." He says as we all sit down

"Instead Mindy is gonna be taking care of you" he says pointing to the gorgeous girl beside him ", I'll come check on you later."

"Ok does everybody know what they want to drink?" she asks as she passes around menus

"I think so." Luke answers

She points at Frankie "Ok, well let's start with you, sir."

"Yea um-well I'll just have some water." He says his voice a bit shaky

She moves onto River and gets the same reaction. The pattern continues around most off the table besides the girls, Benji, and Luke. She leaves and tells us she'll be back soon to take our orders.

"So" I say as I lean forward, placing my elbows on the table ", she's pretty."

"Gorgeous." River says in a daze

"Well maybe you should get her number." I suggest

"Yeah, she was pretty hot." Dayton adds causing me to glare at him from across the table

Wait glaring, frowning, and ready to rip his head off, do I lik- nahh this is pretty normal actually. He looks over at me, but I pretend to be immersed in the story that Liv is telling beside me.

"Yea she did this whole interview on GMA and everything."

"What are you talking about?" I ask completely lost

"Oh there was this girl from Crosstown that found out she was adopted and her parents had been keeping it from her, she's like a year or two older than us. Can you believe that?" Liv asks

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