Some secrets should stay secrets

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"You know I really should've just told him. He deserves to know." I say looking at the turkey hand on her desk. It's almost thanksgiving. Her daughter Sarah must've painted it for her.

"She really would've loved him." I feel a few stray tears fall. Now I am crying for Wesley. I'm crying for all the pain I'm going to cause him if I tell him.

"Well you know what I'm about to say, but I'm saying it anyway. I can't make the decision for you. All I can do is try to prepare you for any possible outcome. This place is a safe haven. If you need to call me at three in the morning, do it." I already knew all of that, but it's so nice to hear her say it again.

"But now we have to talk about why you're here."


After my appointment with Dr. Sanchez I decide to schedule three more. That should fill up the rest of the month if I come once a week. I'll just have to catch a ride from one of my brothers. Dad will be too busy. Mom will also be busy, but she wouldn't take me even if she had the time.

When we're leaving I see Wesley's mother again. She's about to come over to me when Dr. Sanchez stops her. I can't see her face because of the doctors back, but when I do she looks heartbroken. Believe me, I am too. She was basically my mother when I was with her son.

She took such good care of me. Always showed me love. Always comforted me when no one else could. It hurts my entire being to stay away from her. To lie to her. To lie to someone she loves so much.

But, at the same time, it hurts almost even more to be any where near here. Knowing what I know. Knowing that I'm going to hurt her son. Knowing that he is going to hurt just as much as I did, if not worse.

I swear I'm not going to harm him in any way. I never wanted to hurt him and I still don't. But, he needs to know the truth. I lied and now I have to figure out how to tell him.

I think that's really why I've been so sick and anxious. Any time someone brings up kids I just... I guess I start to anticipate just how much Wes is gonna hate me for what I kept from him. He's gonna hurt because I couldn't get up the courage to tell him and let him grieve.

Once we get to Max's house Marlie, his sister, and Kyler, his brother, bombard me with hugs.

"I missed you." Kyler mumbles against my dress. Yeah yeah I'm wearing a dress. Get over it. I didn't feel like changing out of jeans for the night gown.

"Hey!" Marlie exclaims as she pokes her brother.

"We both missed her, meanie." I swear she has the cutest pout.

"Oh come on," Max sweeps her up "you want some chips?" She gets all excited and tells him yes. I'm craving some lays so I follow them to the kitchen.

Along the way Kyler grabs my hand and we sit down. Him in my lap with his forehead resting on my shoulder. I rub his back as I wait for Max to get the chips. Once he finally sits Marlie down he starts going through the freezer.

They keep their lays in the friggin freezer.

"You know that's not where chips go. I mean you do you, but who the heck freezes chips?"

"What, do you just leave them out?"
That accent man.

"I mean, we put them in the pantry."

"Why would you do that? Then they'll get all warm."

"They're already warm to begin with, idiot."
I say and roll my eyes laughing.

The entire time he was bent over in the fridge. Once he stands up he pulls out a bag of fries. French fries. Bruh really. He has to understand who he's dealing with here.

He's been living in New Zealand for basically his whole life. He said chips and went to the freezer. He got confused when I told him to put them in the pantry. Some Americans might've put two-and-two together, but not this one. He got one of the slow ones. We work kinda like the first iphone.

"Incredibile." I mumble and close my eyes.

"Di cosa stai pisciando?"
(What are you pissing about?)

"Tu, ya goose."

"Sorry you didn't know that basically every other country calls French fries chips." He try's to say French fries with an American accent and utterly fails.

"Dov'è la prova?" Now he's rolling his eyes
(Where's the proof?)
"non ne ho bisogno, it's a known thing that America just went it's own way. Like the metrics system. Che diavolo is a mile?"
(I don't need any.)
(What the hell?)

Mary walks in while I'm laughing my butt off. He's not wrong America just decided to hop off that train. You know the saying don't be a follower be a leader. I bet an American came up with that because the rest of the world wanted an explanation as to why we can't just chill out. I bet it was also the dude or dudette that came up with a mile.

She asks what's so funny and Max starts going off. Talking about how Americans really have no clue what chips are. Now he's not right or wrong here. Some of use Americans don't, but most of us do. Like I said, he just got a slow American.

When he puts the fries in the oven Kyler and Marlie ask us to go play. I'm about to say no, but Mary butts in and says she'll watch the food. We go outside and play in the leaves for a few minutes. When we finish eating we go back out and start playing again. Kids have way to much energy.

Once it starts getting a little dark Mary lights the fire pit in the backyard. We go and sit on their extended porch. Marlie sits on Max in one chair while Kyler snuggles up to me on the mini love seat. Mary is sitting alone with a million blankets wrapped around her. Oh that women.

If you couldn't tell by now Kyler really favors me. It's definitely because I give the most legendary back rubs. He lays his head on my shoulder again and I rub his back until he falls asleep. Once I know he's out I get comfy and fall asleep shortly after.

When I wake up Kyler is gone and so are Mary and Marlie. I run my hand down my face as Max walks back outside.

"You're finally awake. Let's get you to bed."
He goes to stand me up, but I refuse. He asks what's wrong and I point at my legs.

"I can't walk." He laughs and then asks me why. I tell him it's because after I wake up I have to wait for ten minutes before I can function my legs. Is that true, no. Am I tired, very. Eventually he agrees to give me a piggy back ride to the spare room. While he's walking he starts to talk.

"You know we've known each other for a long time. You don't have to answer me or respond cause you're probably asleep, but did you...actually that doesn't even matter. What matters is that I love you Soph, like a lot. And I would do anything fo-"

And then I'm out.
What? I said I was tired.

So once again more Italian. Please don't come at me this is all going through google translate lol. I know it's not the best, but it's the best one I know of.

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