Just friends

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I wake up once we get to the fair. I stumble out, half awake, and grab onto Liv the second I find her.

"We need to talk." I mumble

"About what?"

"Just grab Grace and meet me at the ferris wheel, I'll get Dianne."


I walk away to find Benji basically glued to Dianne's side.

"Hey stop hogging Dianne."

"I can hog all I want, she's my girlfriend." He says sticking his tongue out at me.

"And who do you owe that too?"

"My amazing good looks."

Narcissist much.

"Whatever, we'll see you later ok?" I say grabbing Dianne and dragging her to the ferris wheel.

"What is going on?" Dianne asks as we pass a funnel cake stand.

"We have a situation."

"Well obviously."

"No this is like a code blue situation."

"You act like I know what that is."

"Oh my goodness Dianne," I say as I stop and turn towards her. "Max kissed me."

"He what?"

Wait that's not Dianne.

I turn around and see Wesley...who is with my brothers...who all just heard what I said.

"Has our Soph got a boyfriend." Wesley teases

Since when are we so buddy buddy, Wesley?

"Shoot me now." I mumble rolling my eyes

"Well are y'all dating?" Dianne asks

"Are you serious?" I ask with big eyes

"Well yeah, we all wanna know when you're gonna get together." Beck adds

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused

"I mean the tension between the two of you is pretty obvious." Frankie says awkwardly

"Will you stop joking around."

"I'm being serious Soph." He mumbles

"Yeah I mean everyone says you should date." Luke says

"Who is everyone?"

"Literally your entire grade." Auggie says

"None of them even know Max."

"Did you seriously not see the post on insta?" He asks

"What post?"

"Of you and Max, you were basically on top of him." He says laughing

"Yeah." River says handing me his phone

A video of me jumping onto Max and hugging him is playing. In the moment it wasn't that big of a deal, I mean I was having a pretty shit day and I hadn't seen him in years, but the more I watch the more romantic it seems.

Max and I are not romantic. We are not a couple. We are friends. Nothing more.

"Friends hug all of the time." I say

"Not like that." Dayton grumbles

"Not that it's any of your business Dayton, but Max and I are friends, nothing more."

"Then why did you feel the need to keep it a secret, you could've just told us all."

"Maybe because I knew you would overreact, you always do."

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