Hubba Hubba???

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When I wake up I'm flooded with light. It's too early and too bright. I snuggle my face into his neck and he wraps his right arm around my back. Why is this so comfortable? I throw my leg over his waist and he responds by grabbing and holding the bottom of my thigh with his left hand. Then I groan, shit.

"What's wrong," he asks groggily.

"I have to get up soon, I've got plans with my friends." I say reluctant to move

"Okay well you can go get ready and I can make the bed." I snuggle closer

"No. They can wait, I never get to sleep in and this is too comfortable." I feel him chuckle before I hear it. Oh lord. My heart.

"What time is it anyways," I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Hold up," he says as he fishes his phone from his pocket. "It's 11:30."

"Okay," I say and get ready to fall back asleep. Great, plenty of time till they get here. They said they didn't wanna meet up till eleven anyways. Wait WHAT. I shoot up and look at him.

"Did you just say 11:30?" He nods his head slowly. "You have got to be kidding me. They're probably already here." I go to yank the covers off of us and in the process I see three figures sitting on my couch.

"You could've told us you had a boy toy." Dianne says smirking.

"Yeah. But I mean really Soph, you didn't have to lie about hating him." Liv says rolling her eyes.

"What are talking abou—" that's when it hits me. I look back at my bed. There lays Dayton Ryder, the one and only, with me straddling him. I jump out of bed. Well I try and utterly fail. I land straight on my ankle and start losing my mind. "Holy mother of Jesus."

Dayton crawls out of my bed and over to me checking my ankle.

"I'm fine Day-" I try to tell him that nothings wrong, but clearly that's a lie. He barely moves my ankle and I start cursing like a sailors great grandmother.

"I'm gonna go get you some ice okay, try not to walk on it too much." Then he leaves me on the floor, while he walks away looking like a Greek god. Did I mention he was shirtless...well he was. I could practically feel the drool on my shirt.

"You just gonna sit there or what," Grace snaps me out of my thoughts. "You really weren't gonna tell us, I mean what was that about?"

"No it's not like that, I swear. Some stuff just happened last night and he ended up going to sleep in here."

"So your saying y'all fucked and he got tired so you went to bed. Makes sense to me." I swear Dianne wants me to murder her.

"No we didn't. I just....I had a bad dream okay. And no I don't wanna talk about it because I already had to explain myself to him and that's embarrassing enough." I say playing with my hands.

"Fine but-" Dayton cuts her off

"Hey here's the ice. Oh yea and there's some dude sitting on your couch. He kept glaring at me." He says while he puts the ice pack on my ankle.

"Yeah just send him up. He really needs to talk to Soph." Grace explains. I ask who it is, but of course they won't tell me.

"Just gotta warn you before he gets in here, he's in a real bitchy mood." Dianne says

"I mean who wouldn't be when they saw what he saw." Liv says laughing, I ask her what she's talking about and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

" I'm talking about you and hubba hubba being all cute and cuddly." I roll my eyes. As soon as my door opens the three girls shoot up and walk out.

In steps, you guessed it, Max. Oh my lord. This should be fun.

A few hours later
The girls and I finished getting ready. We walk downstairs to wait on the guys. We hear them coming down the stairs and I stand up. Standing at the bottom of the staircase are Benji, Dayton, River, and Max. Yep Max. He's coming with. Just great. Oh yea if your wondering what happened it's nothing special. We talked for about half an hour before he got annoyed and left. Whatever, it's his loss.

The eight of us spilt, seeing as only the guys can drive. And because my friends love me, they decided to leave me in a car with Max and Dayton. Y'all thought they were sweet. Nope, they love drama just like every other biotch. Of course Liv came with me, but is she gonna be any help, no.

Liv and I sit in the back, while Dayton drives and Max stares daggers at him. Luckily we get to the party without incident, but that can't last for long. We walk in as some of the only juniors invited. Everyone greets us with slurred hellos. Bruh, it's barely even midnight. The only one who isn't drunk is Skylynn and that's probably because this is her house. Last time she threw a party and got drunk her house got fucked up. I lose Liv and Grace, but Dianne sticks with me the whole night. We dance and sing to every song. Tonight's actually going pretty darn well if I do say so myself.

Yep right up until I see a wasted Liv and a very tipsy Grace. I look over at Dianne and tell her I'll be right back. She nods and keeps dancing. I make my way over to them as Liv picks up another drink. I snatch it out of her hand.

"We said no drinking." I yell over the music

"Yea well we also said no secrets and that's gone to complete shit. It's not that big of a deal." She says pissed. I hate mad drunks, they're the worst.

"You really are such a debby downer, Soph. You overreact." Grace says slurring all of her words together.

"Yeah, that's probably why Dianne didn't wanna tell you she's fucking Benji." She says and laughs. Grace immediately sobers up and stares at Liv wide eyed. What the hell did she just say? Dianne and Benji. My best friend Dianne with my idiot brother Benji. There's no way.

I look over at Dianne who is having the time of her life. Dancing on my, very much sober, brother. This biotch must be out of her mind.

Don't worry I'm on my way to split that shit up right now.

So this chapter was longer than usual. I split it into two separate parts so the next chapter is gonna be a continuation of the same night.
But anyways, hope y'all

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