four • decaf

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four: decaf

The next week with Carter was like walking on a fragile line, not knowing whether it would break or not. We were surely playing a dangerous game, but it was strangely empowering and thrilling. However, the game was also terrifying. It seemed like each prank Carter pulled on me was the calm before the storm and I was afraid to see how he would unleash the tempestuous storm that was bound to follow. It was constant back and forth between the two of us and both of us were falling blindly into each other's trap.

Our little game first took off when I got Carter back for his little stunt at the party. It wasn't complete payback, but oh, we were just getting started.


"Carter?" I called after I had returned home from a coffee date with Cam and Em.

No reply.

I tossed my keys and purse on the kitchen table then made my way to my room. I heard the sound of water running when I entered my bedroom. I should've known.

For the past four days, Carter had been taking showers in my bathroom, despite my protests. He claimed it had better water pressure and was hotter, because apparently, "warm water doesn't clean Carter dirt."

So here I was once again, hearing my shower running and Carter's terrible a cappella. Although I would usually be annoyed, I found that this was the perfect opportunity to prank him and teach him a lesson.

While listening to him belt "I Will Always Love You", I crept down the stairs towards the kitchen and opened one of our cupboards. Grasping the small package, I shut the cupboard and snuck back up the stairs, like you'd see in a bad spy movie.

I went into my room and tested the bathroom doorknob. Unlocked. What an idiot. Opening the door quietly, I crept into the bathroom and dumped the bag of flour on the other side of the shower curtain. Carter screamed and began to yell profanities.

Laughing my butt off, I stumbled out of the bathroom and into my room. Carter emerged minutes later, with a towel around his waist and still slick with water. His face and hair were caked with flour, while there were little white dribble marks running down his torso. He remained looking pissed for a while without saying anything, but after a few minutes, he cracked and smirked at me.

"You think you're so clever with your childish prank, don't you?"

"Well, yes, yes I do," I replied, still trying to stifle my giggles.

"Alright, if that's how you want to play, sweetheart."

He shot me one last smirk and returned to the bathroom, not before wiping flour off of himself and flicking it at me. Oh damn, what did I just get myself into?

Two days later, I figured out exactly what I got myself into when I stepped out of the shower. My hair was green. Okay, so it wasn't a full blown bright green, but there were definitely puke green patches in my once blonde hair.

"Carter!" I screamed.

I heard his laugh on the other side of the door.

"Mess with my shower, I mess with yours," he cackled.

I groaned and cursed at Carter under my breath as I got dressed. After getting dressed, I wrapped my hair in a towel and flung the bathroom door open, expecting to find Carter standing there triumphantly. Except, he wasn't there.

I stormed out of my room and into the hallway to look for Carter. I didn't get very far, however, because I ran right into my mom.

"Mom?" I asked in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

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