eight • hot chocolate

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eight: hot chocolate

The rest of the week gradually passed with little going on. Carter had made it a habit to wake up early and make pancakes for us in the mornings, claiming that it was "our tradition". When I pointed out that traditions usually take more time to develop, he simply put his finger to my lips, shushed me, and then ever so attractively shoved a forkful of pancakes in my mouth. And then came the car rides to school. The arguments over who got to control the radio never seemed to cease, but I didn't mind it as much as before when he played his music, in the same way as he learned to accept that I would never stop playing my High School Musical CDs.

Things didn't look quite as bright, however, when word got out at school that the "new hot kid" was staying at my place.

After our usual coffee run, Carter pulled into the beat up parking lot of our school. Before I could shut the door of the car, some random girl came up to me and cried, "Is it true?"

Carter and I glanced at each other over the top of his car, exchanging puzzled looks. "Is what true?"

"That you and hottie over there are living together on your own? And sleeping together?"

"One: he has a name, it's Carter and –"

"Hottie works for me too," Carter piped in with a smirk. I shot him a glare before continuing, "– two: where on earth did you hear that from?"

"Oh, everyone's talking about it," the girl responded. "Wait, so it's not true?"

"Well –" Carter began while I dragged him away and said, "No it isn't. Bye!"

When we passed through the doors of the school entrance, eyes turned to us and hushed whispers ensued. Praying that the chatty girl would spread word that the rumor was false, I continued to drag Carter until we came to a secluded area, offset from the hallway. Carter didn't resist, surprisingly, and just tagged along like a rag doll.

"Are you that ashamed to be associated with me, Rage?" Carter asked, feigning innocence.

"I'm not ashamed, I just don't want people to be getting the wrong idea," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Mhm, whatever you say."

"I'm serious!" I swatted his arm.

He laughed. "I'm just messing with you, Rage! Relax."

"Sorry," I blushed. "I just don't want people to think I'm another one of your flings."

"You're not," Carter stated. "Trust me. I'll help shut down the rumor."

"Thanks Carter, it means a lot." I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's get to class kid," he joked. Linking my arm with his, we headed for AP Literature before the bell rang.

❋ ~ ❋ ~ ❋ ~ ❋ ~ ❋ ~ ❋

"So, you and Carter huh?" Cam nudged me in the side, accidentally knocking my fry out of my hand. In response, I shoved him off the lunch bench.

"Nothing's going on!" I cried. "And you made me drop my fry!"

"Here, take mine," Nate said as he passed by, handing me a fry and flashing a grin.

I was still smiling at Nate as he walked away when Cam got up from the bench, rubbing his sore bum. "I have no idea what that guy sees in you, you brutal and violent girl."

"Better to be a brutal and violent girl than a loser like you," Emily added as she sat down and punched Cam's shoulder.

"Thanks Em," I laughed.

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