three • cappuccino

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☂ three: cappuccino

What the hell?

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and pain as I felt a tremendous weight on my body. Groggily, I opened my eyes from my nap on the couch, only to find a pillow being shoved on top of my face shortly after. I wiggled and squirmed, trying to evade the lack of air and discomfort of my current situation.

"Would you quit moving already? I'm trying to watch TV."

That jerk!

I only heard him snicker when I gasped audibly. Feeling a sudden Hulk-like burst of energy surge through me, I pushed the pillow off of my face and slapped him enough times to get him off of me.

"Since when did your little noodle arms turn into something useful?"

I shot him a glare. "You interrupted my nap. No one interrupts my nap. You interrupt my nap, you pay."

"Oh, I'm so scared," Carter laughed. "Anyways, I had to watch Friends and you were in the way."

"Ever heard of using the armchair?" I gestured to the completely empty chair just three feet away.

"Eh, didn't feel like it. Besides, you're way more comfortable," he said as he shot me a wink.

I groaned as I punched him in the arm. "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"

"If I had to pain anyone's ass, I'm glad it's yours." I smacked him in the arm once again.

"Okay, Kennedy, I know you like touching my arm and all, but you have to stop before you bruise me."

"You smug bastard! You think you can interrupt my nap, be annoying, and get away with it? Think again buddy." I smirked.

"What do you-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, however, because the vase on our end table was soon empty.

"Suck on that," I cackled as I went up to my bedroom, leaving Carter speechless and soaking wet.


Music was blasting through my room and I was busy messing around on my laptop when my room door opened with a creak.

"Wow, you should get that fixed. It really ruins the element of surprise."

I spun around on my swivel chair to look at a pouting and still partially damp Carter.

"What do you want now, Carter?" I sighed, pausing my music reluctantly.

However, he was busy looking at picture frames on my dresser, so I turned my music back on and spun back around.

"Who's this?" he asked, picking up a frame.

I glanced at the picture and quickly yanked it from his hands. "Just an old friend alright? I don't want to talk about it."

An awkward silence ensued, so I busied myself by shoving the picture frame in my desk drawer. It was quiet for a while, so I thought Carter had left. However, I soon felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, pick me up, and plop me down on my bed. Well actually, on his lap.

"What the hell?" I tried getting off but his arms remained firmly planted around my waist.

"You know, Kennedy, what you did downstairs wasn't cool."

"You deserved it."

"Did I really?"

"Yeah, you did."

He laughed before whispering in my ear. "Well, know this - I will get you back. And unlike you, when I get revenge, I get it done well."

He thought that was my revenge for the journal? Hah! What a boob.

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