seven • galão

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seven: galão

Sunlight was streaming in through my blinds as I rolled over to check the time and stretched out my arms. Feeling something wet on the side of my face, I rubbed at my cheek to find a load of drool on my hand shortly after. Guess I slept a little too soundly. I turned over to snuggle more into my pillow, only to find a toe dangerously close to my nose. That was when I remembered last night and Carter's sweet gesture.

I crawled out of bed, careful not to wake him up, and crept over to the foot of my bed. His arm was dangling off the bed, but his face looked extremely peaceful - it was almost cute. He was a lot more attractive when his mouth wasn't running off with sarcastic comments all the time. And then, just when I had began to enjoy the peace and quiet, he let out an obnoxious snore. Even in his sleep he knows how to get to me.

His first snore led to several after and none were much more pleasant than the first. So, being the great friend that I am, I crept up right in front of his face and yelled, "Wake up!"

His eyes flew open as he fell off the bed, landing on the floor with a thump. I busted out in laughter at his disheveled hair and dazed expression. "Rise and shine, sunshine," I teased.

"Very funny," he said, rubbing his back. As he slowly got up, he looked around. "Why am I in your room? Did we -"

"No! You're disgusting," I said as I threw a pillow at him.

He caught the pillow with ease and raised a brow. "I was just going to ask if we finished watching the box set or not."

"Oh." I blushed. "No, we didn't. You were asleep by the time I got home."

"And you just let me sleep here? No rude awakenings or kicking me out?" He smirked at me.

"Oh shut up," I groaned.

"I didn't say anything," he chuckled.

I glared at him. "You were hinting at it."

"Whatever, I'm going to go shower." He left the room to go grab his clothes.

"I'm going to go make breakfast," I called as I walked downstairs. "Don't use my shower!"

"Yeah, yeah."

By the time I stepped into the kitchen, I could hear the pipes above me, meaning my shower had been turned on. Annoying. I made my way over to the coffee pot to brew some coffee, since I wasn't planning on going to The Brew today. I was greeted with a small sticky note on the pot.

Kennedy -
Out job hunting. Make breakfast for yourself and Carter. Love you.
- Mom

So, a day in with Carter. Great. I took off the note and threw it away. We still hadn't gotten around to telling Carter what was going on. My parents wanted to tell him, but frankly, I didn't think he needed to know.

After spending a long time deciding which blend I wanted, I started brewing the coffee and walked over to the cupboard to grab boxes of cereal for breakfast. Mom never specified what I had to make for breakfast. I grabbed a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for myself, then piled the rest of the cereal boxes into my arms, unsure of what Carter wanted. With a grunt, I dumped the boxes onto the kitchen counter before grabbing two bowls from the drying rack. I opened the box of cinnamon goodness and started pouring when suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around.

"Carter!" I screamed as bits of cereal flew everywhere.

When he finally put me down, there were bits of cinnamon all over the floor. "Oops," he said sheepishly, rubbing his neck.

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