twenty-one • ugandan

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twenty-one: ugandan

Being with Carter was amazing.

Even if we weren't technically "together", I was certain that this emotional high I was experiencing was a direct result of us spending time together.

I think it was the relief of knowing that all of our ridiculous miscommunication and stupid mind games were behind us. We had gone back and forth for long enough and now, with the absence of all the pushing and pulling, we had finally reached a beautiful balance.

Even two weeks after our conversation, I still held on to every word that Carter had said. That night, he made me truly feel special and cared about - something I'd never felt before from a boy. I remembered falling asleep trying to shake the grin that was etched on my face. My mom even asked me the next day why I was so giddy. Once I told her, it was safe to say that she freaked out because her ship had finally "sailed". Well, almost.

But even though his words were so beautiful that night, Carter was wrong.

When he said that we would need time to rebuild some of our relationship, I interpreted "time" as a fairly long period of time, which I was fearful of. If it had taken over a month for us to rebuild even some of our relationship, then we would've barely had time left together before college.

However, within the past two weeks, it felt as if nothing had ever been wrong in the first place. We were back to our groove of things, including the daily morning pancake making. We would alternate kitchens for this, which we settled over intense games of Mario Kart. Carter was far superior than me and he always decided on using my kitchen more often. He claimed it was because he missed my family and the house, but I'm pretty sure it was just so he wouldn't have to clean up the mess at his place.

Sometimes we would miss pancake mornings, however, because I would have an early shift at The Brew. During cases like these, Carter would sometimes pop in "accidentally" to grab a cup of coffee. I think he prided himself with the fact that I would be waiting on him.

Todd was extremely happy about the fact that he played a pivotal role in the reconstruction of me and Carter's relationship. I made sure that I thanked him for playing messenger multiple times, despite the risk that I would shoot the messenger.

Todd wouldn't take any of the praise, though. He simply said that he was letting fate do its work. He definitely was a cheesy romantic at heart. I hoped that one day, he'd meet someone who would make him ridiculously happy, too. He deserved someone who would care for him as much as he cared about them.

Carter didn't always stop by The Brew during my shift, however, which I was grateful for. Time apart, despite the prior periods of cold shoulders, was still good for me and Carter. We cared about each other, a lot, but we weren't solely reliant on one another.

Whenever I had time to myself, I made sure to reach out to my best friends so that we could hang out. And as always, I had a wonderful time just being with them.

"You're a cheater!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

I laughed as I listened to my two friends bicker. They were getting heated over a little game of slapjack, which wasn't surprising due to their competitive nature. I had accepted my defeat long ago and now I was simply enjoying the show.

After watching Emily seethe at Cameron for beating her to slap the cards and Cameron yell at Emily for being faster than him, I decided to intervene. They were going back and forth, so neither of their piles seemed to be getting significantly smaller than the other's.

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