fifteen • ovaltine

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fifteen: ovaltine

I rested my chin on my palm as I wiped the counter with my other hand. It was in between rushes at The Brew, so I had some time to relax a bit. The only other person currently present in the room was a cute old woman sitting in an armchair by the shop's front window. As far as I could tell, she was more invested in a crossword puzzle than her cup of coffee, which had to have gone cold by now.

Chuckling to myself quietly, I closed my eyes and sunk into the environment of my favorite coffee shop. Familiar warmth seemed to wrap its arms around me as the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the room. To me, it didn't matter which side of the counter I was on - this place was home to me as a patron and an employee.

"You really do love it here, don't you?"

I turned to see an amused grin on Todd's face and nodded with a smile. I was beyond thankful that he was covering Helen's shift today, so I wouldn't be all on my own. Besides, it gave us an extra chance to talk outside of our normal shifts together.

"There's just something so comforting about being in here. I'm going to miss it so much when I go off to university."

"But you'll definitely come back and visit, right?" Todd asked. "And speaking of universities, which one have you decided on?"

"I'm torn between the two coasts. There's something for me in both the east and the west, I just have to decide which I like better. I'll definitely let you know when I figure it out. I've been trying to talk to Emily about it, but lately all she's got on her mind is prom."

"Oh yeah, your prom is coming up isn't it?"

"Yeah it is! It's tonight, actually," I informed him.

"My bad," Todd said sheepishly. "So then how are you feeling? Excited?"

"Excited sounds about right. I can't wait to experience what everyone always raves about in the books and movies. Did you go to your prom?"

"Yup. It was great! Not necessarily as phenomenal as the books and movies make it out to be, but still so much fun. I had such a good time with my friends that night, except my date and I were late because we didn't get ready early enough - which you shouldn't have to experience! So why don't you go home and start getting ready now, while I cover the rest of your shift?"

"It shouldn't take me that long to get ready, Todd."

"You never know; those were the exact words that came out of my mouth a few hours before my prom."

"But you're already covering Helen's shift! I couldn't possibly make you take mine too."

"It's fine! Your shift will be done soon enough. Besides, things are pretty slow around here today. It'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely. Besides, if anything happens, I'll take full responsibility."

I realized that it was probably a better idea to start getting ready for prom earlier, but felt horrible about the thought of leaving Todd alone to cover two shifts. "Are you absolutely sure it's okay?" I double checked.

Todd looked at me incredulously before quickly rushing me to the staff room to get my things and leave. Although I felt guilty, I did as Todd said and called out a quick, "Thanks Todd!" as I left The Brew, the bell tinkling behind me as the door swung shut. I'd be home in no time, with plenty of time to start getting ready for prom.

"Which nail polish color goes with your dress?"

"They all do, Em. My dress is white," I pointed out. When I had gotten home earlier, I realized that getting ready at my house wouldn't be the best way to keep my final appearance a secret from a snooping Carter. As a result, Emily and I were now doing each other's nails at her house.

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