eleven • kona

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eleven: kona

By the time I got to the party, a little more than fashionably late, things were in full swing. Everyone was having a good time – drinking, dancing, chatting, and the usual.

I scanned the room for either Cameron or Carter. Looking over the sweaty bodies of the partygoers, I saw someone throwing up, two strangers stuck in an awkward conversation, and a couple getting it on in the kitchen. So no, no sign of Cameron or Carter.

Thankfully, Cameron came to the door to meet me, or else it probably would've taken me a while to go out and find him in the masses.

"He's been all over the place all night long. One minute he's by the beer cooler, the next he's in the center of the dance floor! I've been scurrying around trying to keep an eye on him for you," Cameron cried exasperatedly.

"Sorry you haven't been able to enjoy yourself very much," I apologized.

"What are you talking about? Sure, it's been wild, but this guy knows how to have fun no matter what," Cameron said, pointing his thumbs at himself.

I laughed. "You're such a loser."

"But you love me anyways."

"So, any idea where he is now?" I asked hopefully.

"Not sure, but I think he could very well be in the bathroom or one of the rooms."

I scrunched up my face in disgust. I didn't want to walk in on Carter and some random girl. That wouldn't really help my case with Carter anyways.

"I think Jeffrey's room should be clear though. He told everyone to stay out of it. You can probably carry out your plan there though. I'll go talk to Jeffrey about it," Cam said, referring to the host of the party.

"What're you going to tell him though?"

"I'll just tell him that you're having feminine problems and need to lie down."

Cam smiled sheepishly as I shot him a look. "Gee thanks," I said, chuckling. "But seriously, thanks for doing this Cam. You're ready to get Carter to the room right?"

"Of course, your majesty."

I rolled my eyes and headed off to Jeffrey's room to wait for Carter, taking my shopping bag with me.

Closing the door behind me, I took a seat on Jeffrey's bed and set the bag down beside me. It would probably be a while until Cameron could get his hands on Carter, let alone get him up here, so I was left in silence with my thoughts.

Would I really be able to pull this off? Carter was pretty good at putting up a cold front. Annoyingly good. But he'd have to give it up eventually, especially if he wasn't actually mad at me. Speaking of which, I wondered how long it would take for him to give up the act and lose the bet. Besides, I technically won anyways, since he broke the honor code.

All the thoughts about Carter in my head reminded me of what Emily had told me earlier. She couldn't be right, because I wasn't sure about anything regarding Carter. I definitely felt strong feelings for him, but I hadn't decided if they were feelings of friendship or something else.

Before I could think any further, I heard muffled voices outside the door and a guy shout. Soon after, the door handle was rattled and the door swung open to reveal a very confused Carter, before swinging back shut. I would have to thank Cam for getting him here so quickly.

Carter's face changed from confused to an emotion I couldn't decipher to irritated. If I hadn't heard what I did in his room earlier, I could've easily missed his middle expression; it lasted for barely a second. It's amazing what knowing a secret can do for you.

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