twelve • latte

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twelve: latte

"If you're not feeling scared, what are you most excited about for college?"

When I turned to look at Carter for his response, I was met with an adorable sleeping face and quiet breathing.

We talked on the rock for a while before realizing how late it was. However, once I drove us back home, we both realized that we didn't want to stop talking. So we chatted in Carter's room until, well now.

I shook my head with a smile and pulled the covers over him before turning out the lights.

Good night, Carter.

I headed to my room and as soon as I flopped onto my bed, my head was flooded with thoughts about tonight. The party, Jeffrey's room, the rock, our talk - everything. My thoughts were so overwhelming, that I found myself lying in bed with my eyes wide open, unable to sleep for even a minute. Disgruntled and tired, I continued flipping myself over, trying to get more comfortable. When that didn't work, I fluffed my pillow. When my body still remained deprived of sleep after that, I tucked and un-tucked myself from the covers. Nothing seemed to work.

Before I knew it, an hour had passed. I wasn't sure what made me decide to do this, but before I knew it, I found myself walking back to Carter's room. Honestly having no clue what I was trying to do, I opened Carter's door as quietly as I could. Despite him being fast asleep only an hour before, he rolled over to face me immediately, as if he had been expecting me.

I didn't even have to say anything; he just looked at me and he knew. As I closed the door behind me, he scooted over to the left side of his bed, making room for me. I crawled under the covers next to him, feeling comforted by his presence. As I felt his arm slung over my stomach and his soft breath on the crook of my neck, I immediately felt more relaxed.

Within a few minutes, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. And before I knew it, I was falling asleep to the sound of his breathing, as if nothing bad had ever happened between us.


I woke up in my bed with the fond memory of last night on my mind. Things were going so well with Carter, even though just yesterday we weren't talking to one another. When I noticed a lack of weight on my midriff, I realized that Carter had already woken up.

As soon as I began to wonder where Carter was, the bathroom door opened. Carter was standing there, still sporting his pajamas and messy hair, with a grin on his face.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," he said in his morning voice.

I laughed. "I should be saying that to you, considering you look like you're sleepwalking."

Carter rolled his eyes and walked over to my side of the bed. "Up we go," he said, as he reached out his hands for me to grab. I held on tight as he pulled me to my feet.

"I'm surprised you can still do that so easily, even after all the pancakes we've eaten together. They've got to have added some weight to me."

He scoffed. "You're not even remotely close to heavy, Kennedy."

"I know, I know. It's just sometimes, I feel so fat from eating so many pancakes every morning."

"Well, guys like a girl with a good appetite. Besides, those pancakes you're eating aren't fat - they're fluffy," Carter said, chuckling at his own joke.

"You're so lame."

"But you love me anyways."

I rolled my eyes, giving him a light punch on the arm.

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