The comments

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You stared at the painting puzzled as mikasa awaited your answer.
" actually." You finally answers and eren scoffed.
"That Levi has terrible taste."

You looked over your shoulder at him and bit your lip.
"I picked this one."
Erens face contorted into a fake cheesy smile.
"Right.... because he didn't pick the painting sooner!! Um.... erm.... you have amazing taste y/n." He tried saving himself but you just rolled your eyes, taking a seat on the bed while staring at the painting some more.

"Theres no way he could have gotten it because i said I like it..." you whispered.
Armin tilted his head.
"What was that I couldn't hear you y/n?" He asked and you shook your head.
"Nothing. So did Levi mention where you three will be staying the time you're here?" You asked. The others began staring at eachother, all with a sad look in their eyes.
"Y/n.... didn't Levi tell you? We're leaving tomorrow." Eren responded. You felt a knit grow in the out of your stomach as mikasa walked over and sat next to you.
She wasn't one for handling emotions, so you didn't expect her to grab your hands and hold them.

"I know... we miss you too y/n.. well be back I promise." She swore and forced a smile.
Eren nodded and so did armin.
"After all you're going to be married soon!" He cheered and eren punched his arm.
"Owie..." armin cried and eren shook his hand to get the pain out.
"Y/n... if you EVER need one of us all you have to do is say so. And I promise you..." he began before walking infront of you and getting on his knees so you could stare him in his soft green eyes.
"We will come running back. Just because your family is forcing you to be here doesn't mean we won't have your back." He promised and you smiled grabbing the three of them in a hug.

"Ahem. Well isn't this a sight. " a familiar monotone voice called from behind you. When you let go and whipped your head around, that's when you saw a tired looking Levi leaning against the open bedroom door with Patrick behind him.

"Hello levi..." you whispered as mikasas glance became harsh towards Levi.
"The three of you need to get to my mansion and pack don't you? If I were you I would do it now and..." he glanced over at you and gave a sigh.
"And get back here for dinner. You can stay in the guest room and spend the last night with y/n." He barked before glancing at the painting and storming out of the room and down the stairs.

You looked at your friends with a smile as they gave you one last hug and ran off with Patrick to get their belongings from the mansion.
Your mind went back to the mansion, and you wondered why you even needed an apartment if he had such a grand mansion.

You gave a sigh and stood up, beginning to walk out of the room and into the kitchen where Levi stood at the counter staring into the cook book you brought from home.
"What is this?" He clicked his tongue and gave you the side eye while holding the book up.
You felt embarrassment as you snatched the book away.

"Well it's mine. " you growled and he snatched it back.
"Like I'm trusting YOU to cook anything y/n." He began flipping through the book.
"All of these are cheap meals."

"Well these were my mom's recipes... and I happened to love them..." you sighed and he smirked.
"Ok. Then I'll make something from your silly book."
He began taking pots and pans from the cabinets. You stared puzzled for a moment before giving a sigh.
"Can I please have a say so in what we cook?"

He clicked his tongue and shook his head,
"I don't trust you near a stove right now, especially if your mother gifted you a cook book as a house warming gift."

"So that's it then? I'll never be allowed to cook for you?" You asked firmly and he turned to face you staring scarily into your deep e/c eyes.
"As long as we live here you won't touch my stove."

"Why don't you take your precious stove and fuck it? On second thought go find someone else... I'd rather be a disappointment than marry you!"

"Oi, You really think I don't feel the same brat?" He growled and began chopping potatoes.
You gave a sigh and held yourself. Watching his shoulder move with each chop he did before dropping them into the pot of water.
You decided you needed some air and pushed open the doors to the balcony and walked out just in time to see the pink sky. You gripped the railing and stared off at it, as a gentle breeze swept through your hair. Your eyes for some reason went down, and that's when you saw how far you were from the ground.

It frightened you for a moment and made your palms sweaty thinking about what might happen if you fell...

"Tch.." you heard from behind you. You turned to see Levi propped up against the door.
The sleeves on his gray long sleeve shirt were rolled up exposing his strong looking arms. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. You shook your head and stared at the clouds again that perfectly hid the sun as it ducked down behind it.

"I needed fresh air, it was getting bad In there..."

Levi was quiet for a, moment before walking over to you and stabding beside you.
"Did you like the painting.." he growled and you turned to look at him as a quiet GASP escaped your lips.

"Why did you buy it?" You asked as he rubbed his temple in annoyance
"Kids... you always ask crappy questions. Because you liked it, and we're going to be married. So I thought you would like it." He growled before turning around and walking back inside.
"It's getting cold out. Best get your ass inside before you catch a damn cold and sneeze everywhere. " he ordered.
You stared for a minute, at his slender body, thinking about the painting he had bought for you. For a moment you felt weird, and this knot formed in your stomach as you thought about the cooking scenario all over again.

Why can't I have a say so...
You pondered before walking inside with Levi.


"Mmmm!! Dinner was amazing!" Armin yelled as you went through your phone in grinstam.
"Thanks..." eren growled as Levi stayed quiet next to you. Mikasa just continued staring at Levi, and Levi stared back.
Almost like they were talking with their minds.
You clicked on the comments on your most recent post and alot of them were about how beautiful you were.

And of course there was a few about how they were jealous of you and Levi.
You glanced over at him and decided to look up his page.
The ve ey first picture was a picture of you and him the day you announced your engagement, the caption read
"What a joyous day that I can finally tell you all that my heart has been captured by the lovely y/n (last name). Wedding updates soon."
It was weird, knowing that he didn't want to marry you but seeing this post.

Instinctively you clicked the comments...
But you wished you hadn't.

"Wow she's totally in it for the money. Sorry not sorry."

"She's not even THAT cute guys oml"

"Do you see her dress? Levi can do so much better!!"

"Is this a joke?"

Suddenly your phone was snatched from you by Levi, who turned it off and sipped his wine without so much as a glance in your direction.
The other three began their loud conversation as Levi spoke;

"Don't listen to them y/n. They're haters. Never read the comments. Ever."

You nodded while looking down and felt the tears well up in your beautiful eyes.
You had never in your life heard such negativity, especially about something out of your control.
You clenched your skirt in your hands and felt one of your tear drops hit your hand.

Maybe you were just a kid after all...

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now